My daughter has found little that gives her any pain relief. We've tried quite a few. Are there suggestions out there for things that HAVE worked for anyone? Her areas are head, of course, coccyx, and her spine. She has major pain and nausea in her stomach, as well. We don't know if that is part of the Chiari or a separate issue. She is up to 1000 mg. of Neurontin and a patch for stomach nausea. Those are the only 2 things that have seemed to make much difference. A lot of other meds help for a short time, but lose their effectiveness rather quickly. We could also use ideas for insomnia.
The medication game is brutal at best. There is a fine balance between controlling symptoms and being plagued by side effects. I have tried numerous insomnia medications and NONE have seemed to help. I finally wrote them off as a lost cause. I have been on several other medications for pain, headaches, neuropathy, etc. Unfortunately, it is a game that constantly changes and after more than 6 years have still not found the perfect combination. I do have a large arsenal in my personal pharmacy but I prefer to rely more heavily on 'alternative' therapies, such as yoga, biofeedback, rhythmic breathing, guided meditation. It is difficult to find what truly works and what works for one may not work for another. I wish there were a one size fits all magic pill; sadly, that's not the case. I think most of us can relate to a struggle with medication. Best of luck!
I really do not have idea for pain medcine. Everybody is different. I'm still trying to find one to work for my daughter. Does she have issue with constipation? My daughter takes miralx for that. For insomnia she takes malantonin for sleep. We have tryed lots different medcine to. It seems like you have to keep trying until you find what works. I would keep on her NL until he can find what works. Praying for you daughter.
Thanks for responding. At least i know it's a frustrating battle for everyone & not just us. It is hard to determine what symptoms are from the meds & what are from the Chiari, especially when they are often similar. Insomnia is such a frustrating issue as well. She won't usually wake me up to suffer with her, because I'm more helpful to her when I am well rested, so she prefers me to sleep. Sometimes I wish she would wake me up though, so that she doesn't have to be suffering alone so often.