i would like to be a barbie, and be in a nice girls room, and be well looked after.
lol lol lol lol lol l ol
i would like to be a barbie, and be in a nice girls room, and be well looked after.
lol lol lol lol lol l ol
I deal with things by talking about them too. I always say there are so many words in me just wanting to get out. My husband is very helpful with everything, but he doesn't do much talking. So I understand what you mean. I think I do so much moaning with my pain from my disk that he considers it kind of normal too; he just says take a pain pill. I don't like to take them either, so I don't much, so I do understand that part too. After my surgery, it took about five months for me to finally feel like I was really getting better. Even though I'm about ll months post opt I will still have pain in my neck. The slipped disks are a different issue from the chiar - and they have caused me more pain than the chiari stuff. I have an appointment on Monday to find out if my miracle worker chiari surgeon can do anything to help my back. Everyone else has said no, but I was told no to the chiari surgery until I found him. So, I feel like there is still hope for me.....I haven't given up yet....and don't you give up either. This hurting thing does get old and tiring I know. I pray you find some relief soon. If you need someone to talk with, you can call me; send me an email and I will send you my phone number. I'm retired.....and you could call me anytime.
Amen Carla. The one exception is I can do water therapy (exercises). It actually feels kind of good in the warm water.
Carla Jo Stone said:
How are we suppose to exercise and lose weight when we can barely move without pain! We also take medications that CAUSE weight gain! I think it is time for you to switch to another doctor!
Thanks so much again everyone for your love, support and understanding. I have been taking my 3rd round of steiroids and it seems to be helping with the pain, but it is still all locked up with very limited range of motion. I just sent another MRI to my NSto see if he can find anything this time. Here's to hoping they can fix it. It is just so frustrating to go from one issue to another. Been going to the gym and the PT to try and get my arm to working, but I am afraid that I will do something to make it worse instead of better. Well hope you all are doing well and I will keep you updated.
Much love and blessings,