Thanks everything for the thoughts and prayers. Surgery took about 7 hours and was more complicated than expected but went well. She is in ICU and in a lot of pain. She is also very swollen. Now the recovery begins!!
Good to hear :)
Great to hear!
That’s really wonderful news,take care of her and yourself also.Keep us up on her progress.
Thanks for the update...the 1st week or 2 are the was for me, anyway...then it got better...
Thanks for the update. My prayers are with her as she starts to recover.
So sorry for her pain
But we’re all praying for a quick recovery that leaves her better than before! Hopefully, one day I’ll be announcing on here that I had surgery and am recovering. Or maybe I’ll have my mom post for me-- I doubt I’ll want to be on my phone immediately post-op! Thanks for keeping us updated!