New Here... Intro and a few questions

Hello… I’m Jamie, came across this site while googling. Sorry if this turns out long, I just thought it might be good to write everything out, see if anyone has similar cases and maybe could offer any advice.

I have had some headaches my whole life, but I could usually find something to blame. Usually if I didn’t drink enough water, went too long without eating, etc, I would get terrible headaches. I never saw a doctor because I figured they would just tell me to drink more water. My mom has migraines, but my headaches didn’t seem to be like that.

A little under a year ago, I started getting a differen type of headaches that would start at the back/base of my head and radiate to behind my eyes. Before this, my headaches usually happened at the end of the day. But I was waking up in the mornings with these new headaches, and they were happening often. Some weeks I would have daily headaches, sometimes I would have a few days without headaches. Always associated with a stiff neck and a “tightness” in my neck that I couldn’t quite explain. Sometimes the headache itself wasn’t that bad, but the neck tightness/stiffness was unbearable, miserable, would keep me from sleeping, etc. I went to general doctor, who prescribed ibuprofen 800, muscle relaxers and imitrex. The imitrex did nothing, the others helped me sleep. It kept getting worse so she referred me to a neurologist, who put me on 50mg topomax (for migraines). This seems to help keep my headaches from escalating to the bad pain behind my eyes, but does nothing for the neck stiffness that is keeping me from sleeping. Neuro has me get an MRI done, and afterwards explains, in these terms, that my “cerebellum is slipped down 4.8mm”. I had already read about Chiari, but this didn’t seem like a good explanation for someone who hasn’t. Lol. She referred me to a neurosurgeon just to get his opinion. I really liked him, and he seemed open to working with me about anything, but he didn’t really help. He said usually it isn’t considered Chiari until 5mm. Also, my headaches are not made worse by coughing/straining/bending over, so they don’t totally fit.

So this is where I am now, I don’t usually get horrible headaches but I have almost constant tightness in my neck. It takes ibuprofen and a big glass of wine, alone with a heating pad on my neck/shoulders to fall asleep. Sometimes I feel bad complaining because it isn’t necessarily PAIN, just a tightness and uncomfortable feeling that won’t go away to the point where it makes me want to cry.

I did recently start taking a systemic enzyme supplement, because I work for the company, and it actually does seem to help a little (has anti inflammatory action), but the tightness is definitely still there, especially at night and in the morning. Not a good way to wake up. :frowning:

If nothing else, I think it was helpful to me to write all this out, so thanks for that!

I guess I left out questions. Lol. Anyone in the same boat? Any suggestions?

Thanks so much! I’m on my phone so dealing with the mobile version and having trouble finding everything, I’ll have to check it out more thoroughly when I’m home and can get out my computer. :slight_smile:

I didn't know about the Cine MRI, will definitely check into that. Obviously no one can tell for sure without that info, but are there others with these symptoms, where it's a daily neck tightness, usually more in the mornings and at night, and NOT made worse by straining? I am very physically active and usually feel better when active. In that respect, I would say that it doesn't limit what I do at all, except that I'm definitely not getting enough sleep (because I can't get comfortable enough to sleep), which leaves me tired a lot of the time. I haven't really noticed any other "typical"(I know that cases are not "typical" ;)) symptoms, no numbness, coordination problems, vision problems, etc. Like I said, I'm very active, do things that require good balance, and when I am moving around, I don't usually think about it. But anytime I'm sitting still or trying to lay down, my neck is extremely uncomfortable in a way that I always find hard to explain. I'm not particularly stressed and have found no correlation between periods where I am more or less stressed and the neck/head pain/headaches. Sorry if I am rambling, I guess I haven't really had anyone to express all of this to so that's what I'm doing now! Thanks again for all of everyone's help!

Thanks for your reply, Mandy! Very helpful info, I will look into Arnica. I don't think I have sleep apnea, I tend to sleep fine once asleep and I don't snore at all or anything like that. My sleep issue is generally just that my neck is stiff from when I start trying to go to sleep, that I'm not able to fall asleep. Then I also wake up with the issue. I have been meaning to look into some better pillows, that might help. I've also been using a heating pad on my neck when I go to bed and that seems to help some. All the little things like that are helpful, since I would definitely rather avoid surgery if possible, but it looks like I definitely should get the CINE done to see about CSF flow. Just based on the MRI (along with my symptoms, which while they are irritating to me and frustrate me, really don't stop me from doing day-to-day things like so many other people have to deal with :( ), the neurosurgeon that I saw said that he would not recommend surgery at this time. He really wasn't shutting down the idea of Chiari as a problem, he seemed to be trying to place my symptoms and they weren't really fitting with a lot of the ways that, for example, chiari headaches are described or brought on. He did say to let him know if I had any other questions, etc and if things got any worse to do another MRI.


Keep us posted on what is going on...You have gotten great input from the others so I will not repeat...but I have to put my 2 cents in...push for the CINE MRI....My herniation was only 5-6mm but caused so many issues..had decompression in Aug of 08 with positive results.

I just bought a roll on called Zimms Max-Heat and Zimms Max-Hot....both have Arnica in it....I really think it helps!! I posted about it on another post.

Hope your w/e is going ok.

Just a word about pillows. I know this will sound like an infomercial, but I ordered a "My Pillow" for my husband and me. I have sleep apnea and head and neck pain. I love "My Pillow". It has really made a difference in how well I am sleeping. I also ordered one and had it sent to my son who is at Ft. Hood, getting ready to be deployed to Afghanistan. I haven't heard how he likes his yet. You can order them online, and they also carry them at Wal-Mart. If you order online you can order different pillow thickness depending on weight of person using pillow. These pillows come with a 60 day return guarantee if you don't like them. My husband about had a cow when he found I had spent so much for "just a pillow". But, after sleeping on his he wasn't interested in sending his back. Hope this is helpful.