Need help don't know if this is normal

I have just been diagnosed with Chairi in Jan I will be having decompression surgery in May. BBut I have been feeling real bad all this week Tonight I just suddenly got pain like a elephant is standing between my shoulder blades it is so bad it hurt to breath I'm very nauseated and nothing is relieving the pain. iis this something that anyone else has experienced

i haven't had it happen to me but i would definitely call th doctor because not beign able to breathe is not good for anything. Maybe a nerve suddenly got pinched or if your syrinx is there maybe it completely closed off teh flow? But definitely call your doctor!

hi i hope your ok but i would call for help now it could be your heart

bethie, please get medical attention, and then let us know how you are, okay?

went to primary physician I no my heart not sure what it is But thanks for the concerns and hope all is well with everyone

Do you get winded easily? have you ever been tested for asthma or allergies? I sometimes get chest pains for no reason other than my allergies and asthma gang up on me once in a while when its really bad. If it continues, definitely call your doctor and ask tehm what you can do or who you can see to have soem tests run. if it's not your heart then its got to be something else. maybe your lungs... and that is not good either. When i call my doctor and say something is wrong, they know that i won't stop until i get an answer. They will run blood tests and do what they have to in order to fing out what it is. Don't let it go.

bethie72 I had the same thing many many times before my decompression surgery on April 1st 2015. I have a syrinx that is about 10-12 long in my spinal cord the syrinx extends from the top of my neck to about the bottom of my shoulder blades and I would get that sharp pain often between my shoulder blades. The pain has considerably lessened since my surgery 2 weeks ago. The surgery has improved many health issues I was experiencing. Good luck with your surgery and I that it helps with the symptoms that you have with your Chiari.