Trying to find out which came first, the chicken or the egg. I had decompression 7 years ago for a 13 mm herniation for debilitating headaches. Was pain free for 2 years then they came back, but Lyrica has "cured" them. However, in the last year I have developed trigeminal neuralgia, Type 1, V2 branch. Am now getting opinions from several neurosurgeons and radiation gurus on whether to have a microvascular decompression or gamma knife (DBS creeps me out). Of course my Chiari neurosurgeon says no way any scar tissue from his surgery could be at fault, another neurosurgeon says he won't operate because scarring would not give me a good they both can be looking at the same $$$$ MRI is beyond me. I am meeting with gamma knife guru this week and another soon.
Are there other Chiarians out there with trigeminal neuralgia and did it develop after your surgery? Have you had successful/unsuccessful procedure(s) for your trigeminal neuralgia? I need some input!
Have a pain free day!