I’m just needing to vent a little bit, so I am sorry.
After my decompression surgery on June 19, I felt like crap. I had almost constant headache and nausea. It was discovered I had a CSF leak and my doc kept expecting it to fix itself. It didn’t so on July 23, I had a second surgery to correct the leak. What was a scheduled surgery turned into emergency surgery an hour earlier because the “bubble” I had at my incision busted and I was leaking CSF all over my neck and back.
So, since then I’ve felt pretty awesome. My doc says my recovery time has started over, so six weeks of nothing again, but okay.
I’ve felt really good…until the last week or so.
Since surgery, I’ve had achey feelings in my legs.
Today it’s from about my hips down. It aches if I sit still, it aches if I move, it just aches.
And right now on top of the achey feeling, I’m nauseous and just want to cry (I have never been an emotional person and don’t cry hardly ever until surgery, and so I hate that I cry for no reason) and I have a headache. To the point of I’m curled up in bed right now, and usually am at least in the recliner with people. But I don’t want the. To see me cry either.
I hate this feeling. I’ve been doing so good, and now I feel crappy again.
Is this a normal part of the healing after decompression? If it is, when will it stop?
I hate this. And am just being all whiney about it.
Sorry for the whine/vent, but if anyone gets it, y’all will.