Just need to let it out

Got some big appointments coming up over the next few days & although I’m usually very calm - this week I’m just not ! Been ill nearly 3 years now and had my Op 18 months ago but had so many problems since then - in pain 24 hours a day and feeling a little sick of it all ! I have amazing friends and family but nobody gets it … Suppose I just want to know for a few days its okay not to be brave and okay with how bad things are ?!


It’s completely understandable that this is getting to you. You’ve been through a lot in the last 3 years! Being in constant pain is physically, mentally, and emotionally exhausting. It’s ok to admit that you’re frustrated and upset sometimes…it doesn’t make you any less strong. So, don’t be too hard on yourself. I’ve been in some level of constant pain for over 4 years. I try to have a positive attitude most of the time, but sometimes…I’m just mad and/or sad. We’re only human and we can only take so much before it gets to us. I read your profile and I have great respect for how well you’ve handled all that you’ve been through:) Give yourself some credit! I hope tomorrow is a better day for you:) Whenever you “just need to let it out” we’ll be here for you:)


Hi There...

I hope today finds you feeling a bit calmer....It is ok for you to let your feelings of frustrations out...I so get when you said about how family and friends really don't get it.

I am so sorry that you are suffering so...Let me tell you something.....You have come to the right place..being a member here...The folks here have picked me up when I was down, they 100% 'get it'...

We are here for you....you don't have to be brave or a hero here..and 'suck it up'...you can be completely honest and let it all out. WE GET IT!!!

Crystal gave you great input in many, many ways....she is so right!!! Don't be too hard on yourself.

Please keep us updated...we really do care.



its ok to breakdown once in awhile! it happens to the best of us! we cant always be the braveheart in the lions den (believe me it took me a long time to figure that one out-but it is true!). We get it here!We understand! Its wonderful to have a group of family and friends who care and TRY to understand,but you are right sometimes they just dont understand enough. Thats what we are here for =) I hope you get answers today that you need and deserve! ~Lisa

Thank you all so much for your kind words really needed the boost - sometimes it just gets all a bit to heavy to handle on your own and everyone on here knows how bad it can be ! Thank you again ! Xxxxx

Thank you all so much for your kind words really needed the boost - sometimes it just gets all a bit to heavy to handle on your own and everyone on here knows how bad it can be ! Thank you again ! Xxxxx