I'm Doing Okay

Hello all of my Chiari friends. I have not forgotten about you and I'm glad you haven't forgotten about me. I've been getting some much needed sun and hanging out because I feel so much better. My chiari symptoms have subsided for now and I'm taking full advantage.

I just wanted to share the great news that I got at my second opinion NS doctor's visit. He told me that everything checks out fine, including my carpal tunnel. He said Chiari surgery will not be necessary at this time, even though the other doctor said I should have it. He even printed out a picture of my brain. I'll post if I ever figure out how to do that. Although, this doctor and my view of Chiari are different, he does know about it and gave me some good perspective about the whole situation. He actually made a lot of sense in regards to how to approach everything.So basically, both of us agreed that I can live with Chiari and surgery is not a good option for me. Case closed for now!! Over a year of constantly going to the doctor with no end in sight. So I needed to recharge my battery and stop talking about this so much. For a while, I just wanted to be a normal person and blend in with everyone else. I really needed to do that. One more doctor's visit this month to get my vitamin D checked. Fingers crossed, this will be it for a while. I really need a break because I end up getting headaches just knowing I'm going there.

I tried to get in the chat room last Tuesday, but I don't know if my flash player wasn't working or what the problem was. My computer has been shutting down unexpectedly lately. So either I need a new one or I'll get this one fixed.

So how has everyone been doing? I've really missed you guys. Please update me on how you're doing. I hope to hear from you guys and have a pain free day!!! Love you all!!


Hi...Thanks for keeping us updated!

So happy your symptoms have subsided and you are out and about. I am glad you and your NS came to a decision you both feel good about.

Will you follow up with NS yearly and /or as needed???

So glad you are feeling well..XOXOXOX



I am so glad that you have been feeling better! Yes, take advantage of all the good days whenever you can! That is also good news that your NS doesn't think you will be needing surgery anytime soon. That is a relief I am sure. We all feel a need to blend in with others and feel "normal" whenever we can. I am glad that you are back though! You were missed:)

