
Hi IAm due surgery early next year I also have.iih and hydrocephelas will it go once I have surgery or do you think I may need a shunt as well.not sure which condition is causing thr hydrocephelas that was only picked up on my last mri? My Ns didn’t seemed bothered by it but I am worried incase it gets worse as my headaches are pretty bas anyway so how would I know if its getting worse? Glad for any opinons xx

Hi Skeeter,

Sorry for the questions but they help.

Are you taking Diamox?

Do you have Spina Bifida?

Have you had a LP and do you know both pressure readings?

I have Chronic IH and understand your concerns. I wouldn't wish this on anyone, ever. Are any medications helpful with your headaches? If Diamox doesn't work a shunt is the next treatment option. I am fighting that one myself. I am so very sorry you are in pain. It's scary I know.

Hopefully you will get some additional opinions.


I had a decompression in 2001 and had hoped hydrocephalus would resolve (I have an arachnoid cyst). I needed a shunt in 2004 due to hydrocephalus. I am doing great! I am happy to answer any other questions you may have.

Chances are u will need a shunt. I have undergone 3 surgeries in as many weeks because I keep leaking fluid from my wound. On the last scan it showed hydrocephalus . I am now waiting with a lumbar drain I. To c if the third surgery holds . If not its a shunt. This has been a truly awful time, one I may have thought twice about had I known it would be like this . I hope u have an easier time than me, I never envisaged that this would happen, I also got chemical meningitis … Let us know how u get on!

Common combinations. Essentially a chicken and the egg question. Do you have a Chiari, which is blocking CSF flow and causing hydrocephalus...or do you have elevated intracranial pressure(idiopathic intracranial hypertension, hydrocephalus, space occupying lesion) that is pushing the brain down and causing the Chiari?

Sometimes you don't know for sure, although surgeons will usually attack the supratentorial issue(brain pressure), hoping the Chiari will improve. Frustratingly, the array of responses you see above are very common. The right answer must be customized for each patient.