Hello all. Well, after an absolutely horrible weekend which ended in a trip to the ER due to a massive headache a companied by extreme nausea, I am hopefully on the downhill slope. I was given pain meds and nausea relief in the ER that helped me make it. Today I had a scheduled LP. All went well and my opening pressure was down from the last one. It was 18 today. The dr drained it down to a closing pressure of 9. I’m now just relaxing and waiting to see my NS on thurday. I have a slight HA but nothing major. Has anyone had a pressure similar to mine but still had HA?
Those ER seats are never ever comfortable. I'm very sorry your weekend sucked so bad.
Now for a gross question I've long been curious about: What does that drainage nastiness look like? Does it smell?
Forgive me if that question is too personal.
I don't know about anyone else but They didn't even show me the fluid they removed. It's in sealed viles I believe so it wouldn't smell. I believe it's yellow. When you get it done they keep you laying down afterwards in recovery so there isn't much checking things out.
Dylan said:
Those ER seats are never ever comfortable. I'm very sorry your weekend sucked so bad.
Now for a gross question I've long been curious about: What does that drainage nastiness look like? Does it smell?
Forgive me if that question is too personal.
Chiari pressure headaches are the worst! With all the storms lately on the East Coast a lot of us have been having pain issues. It sounds like though yours was a doosy. I am glad you found some help and the ER took your pain seriously. Seems like the LP will also help take some of the pressure issues.
I hope you continue to feel better.....Wendy