Here we go! Time for Dr. Oro!

I'm in Aurora, CO. I begin my 3 day visit with Dr. Oro's staff tomorrow. I'm quite nervous and though I've heard many good things..I have the fear of this being a wasted visit. I appreciate all the input from everyone one here so far. It's meant so much to not feel alone.

Please keep us posted...I am very interested to see how today went for you...I will be looking forward to your post!

Today was good..exhausting. Met with the NP, Kimberly..had MRI of cervical spine and scoliosis survey. Eye dr in the morning before appt #2. Trying to read my mri...of course..impatient, stressed..horrible headache all day. Already in PJ's at the hotel. Completed homework..and worn out..Any pointers on reading this MRI? Thanks for your support.

My cervical spine MRI showed that I had a bulging disc between C4 and C5. I think Dr. Oro wants to look for syrinxes as well as disc issues that might be the culprits causing symptoms....almost a rule-in, rule-out mechanism. Were you able to get your MRI report?

By the way, I LOVE Kimberly. If you see her again, please tell her that Kelly, who had surgery last Monday the 15th, says hello!

Hang in there, take deep breaths, and try to relax knowing that you are with one of the best in the world!

Please let me know how your visit went. I am sending out my information and so far I have wasted time, and money visiting all the wrong Dr.s I guess I should have stuck with my first instinct and first choice. I also fear wasting time and money again.

I don't have the report yet...just the cd...which I'm pouring over if I'm a radiologist. Kimberly is great. I have an appt with her tomorrow and will tell her hello for you Kelly!

Good luck. I saw Dr. Oro and am scheduled for surgery on November 12th. You are in the hands of very competent and compassionate people.

Met with Dr. Oro today, I'm currently on the last flight home..exhausted. Loved, loved, loved Dr. Oro. He ordered a lumbar puncture to rule out pseudotumor cerebri. I have swelling of the optic nerve and peripheral vision loss, and a flattened pituitary. The way he described it, if my pressure is high we try Diamox, diet changes, etc.. If it's normal we discuss decompression surgery as an option. Any input on this area? Thanks for your support.


Sounds like you had a great visit with Dr. Oro..Only have heard great things about him and his staff.

Rest up after all the travel and pls keep us updated.

