does anyone have sharp pain on the side of you head. It feels like stabing it comes on suden and sometimes goes away just as fast but here latley they have been last for awhile.
Yes I have before. Most times when I would turn my head I would have this sharp pain on that side but it would go away. It did eventually stop happening.
Like someone stuck an icepick in your temple? I get those. Mine are never very short lived though (usually at least an hour... frequently several hours or longer). I don't get those headaches as frequently as the back of the head ones or the all over ones, but I definitely get them.
They use to be short but latley thay are lasting a lot longer and the one I have now is going on its 3rd day. I worried there might be something worng.
I get those, like an makes you stop walking, talking..and you wince in pain. Mine only last for minutes..maybe a series of these for a half hr or so, then they go away.