Is anyone else as happy that it's the weekend as I am? I've been VERY depressed this week and I'm glad that I don't have to be around any people who look at me and feel sorry for me. I don't want pity! I want to feel better! My migraines have been pretty steadily increasing, up from once or twice a week to every single day. I'm also experiencing dizziness and an irritating pressure with movement in my head more and more. Today I'm not here to rant, I'm just curious as to what this new development means. My neurologist blew it off, but we've already deduced that he's an idiot so he can't answer me. LOL, I hope everyone has a great weekend! :)
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well! Are you having migraines or are they pressure headaches? Migraines could be anything from stress, to hormones, to pushing yourself a little too hard... Hopefully you'll be able to relax this weekend.
Good luck!
Katrina W.
Sorry that you are in so much pain...I agree with Emmaline completely..NL's I have seen blew me off too!! Have you seen a neurosurgeon yet??
Keep us posted.
Katrina- I have both pressure headaches and migraines. A lot of my migraines start out as mere pressure headaches (which happen now every time I bend over or move too fast or laugh too hard… List goes on) but lately I’ve had a lot of migraines start out of nowhere and be debilitating- I’ll be fine, and I’ll stand up and then my sight will get blurry, the pressure will build up and very suddenly I’ll be hit with pain so bad I’ll want to collapse. Light hurts, sound hurts, movement is brutal… I can’t function.
Emmaline and Lori- I wish NLs would stop blowing this off for all of us! I haven’t been in to see a neurosurgeon- YET. I’m waiting on them to call me to tell me when my appointment is. I’ve been told it could be any day now. I’m desperate for relief!
I agree it sounds like you are progressing. I get non aura migraines also so I most diff feel your pain. With drs its just finding the right one. My Chiropractor -- that no longer adjust me just advice-- know more about Chiari's that the first NS I saw. Do your research you have to lead the doctors in the right direction sometimes, despite what they think Drs dont know everything. Stay strong remember to breathe and dont worry about the small stuff. My advice about the ppl who get you down.....ignorant ppl are easily ignored. Smile its the weekend.
Should I be worried about if my chiari is progressing? I’m most definitely grateful for all the advice---- I’m going to keep my head up and ignore the people who bring me down. It’s easier to see the big picture when I’m more relaxed and in less pain. It seems like the worse a headache gets, the harder it is to stay positive and the harder it is to remember that it all gets better. I need to work on that!
I have daily headaches and totally understand. You have been given excellent advice. You learned a lesson it took me a long time to learn. I even told someone I loved them and always would but they were toxic to me and my health yesterday. We can not be close friends any longer. That upsets me very much, but I know it's for the best.....Dragon Slayer gives great advice.
We are all going to survive. The way in which we do it is our choice.
Tracy Z.
I too had to give up a close friend because she was toxic to me and I thought it would kill me with grief but now (over a year later) I’m glad that I made the decision.
When I go to see the neurosurgeon, my NL has already warned me that they’ll want surgery. At this point, after all the research I’ve done, I think I’ll be okay with that. Scared, but willing. I literally almost collapsed at the grocery store tonight after a laughing fit with my dad- that scares me. If surgery can help that, I’m game.