Finally Home!

I was released from the hospital yesterday and that was a hard day. I didn’t get any sleep last night because I couldn’t get comfortable in my own bed. This morning I made the crazy choice to go to my daughters soccer game and Walmart. I was happy to be there but it took a lot out of me and now I have a low grade fever 99.7 that I am keeping an eye on. I will be staying in for the rest of the weekend. I bought a neck pillow as well as a Serta pillow to hopefully help my sleep. I am so happy to be home and with my daughter now if I could just get to feeling better.

I am happy you are home, too, Amy, and I hope the feeling better part comes soon.

Glad you made it home, Amy!

Keep resting and listen to your body. Lots of us feel like at two weeks post op things really turn a corner for the better. Hang in there!


Amy, take it easy. Walmart and a soccer game is a lot for one day! You’ve been through a huge health trauma and you need lots of rest. I hope you are able to get comfortable soon :slight_smile:

I'm glad you are home! How are you feeling today? I hope your fever is down! It's so easy to overdo it once you start feeling more yourself.