Feel like throwing in the towel

I feel like I am whining here,,,and prob most certainly am.....I am 1 week away from my surgery and I am ready to give up....I have a sinus infection and now started with a cough...everytime i cough it feels like someone is stabbng me repeatedly in the forehead{exertion headaches} and they have become unbearable....family and friends who want to be of help just do not understand it doesnt go away by closing the blinds or taking a pill its CHIARI and it SUCKS!!! I am scared that they will postpone my date and as terrified as i am to have this surgery I am now terrified even more of not having it....it has taken over my life!!!Has anyone else dealt with the headaches like this?? Before I was diagnosed I got them alot but once i knew what they were from I was able to keep them at bay through Ibuprophen and recognizing what may cause them....cant control the cough and no Ibuprophen before the surgery so I am just plain out of luck.....grrr I just want to cry...oh but I cant do that either as thats also one of my symptoms with this horrible disease!!!

Thanks Emmaline...I do use the the sinus rinse 2x a day with an allergy spray, and i agree that it has helped fend off nasty stuff, but I think with changing weather and being off of the ibuprophen my immune system was lowered and wham....these headaches are brutal...I am afraid to drive for fear of it happening when I am behind the wheel and causing an accident....ewwww!