Depression/Anxiety help

I've been taking a natural product called Natra Sleep that contains Passion Flower, Lemon Balm, Valerian, Chamomile, and Suntheanin. It is marketed as a sleep aide, but I have no problem taking it during the day and is has been a TREMENDOUS help. It does nothing to alleviate any of my physical symptoms, but greatly helps in the way that I handle them mentally. Has anyone else found any natural products that have helped with any other symptoms?

Hii Jenn,

Have you ever tried essential oils?? Peppermint mixed with a carrior oil such as olive oil can be used as a topical sure to use gloves or wash hands very well b/c if you rub your essential oil healing recipes..there are a lot of them..I have used the peppermint mixed with euycolyptis(sp) mixed w/olive oil.....does help me a bit..but not with severe pain...worth a shot, right??

Let us know.



The only one that I know of is Melatonin for sleep. My husband takes it and it works wonders for him. Personally I have never found any natural supplements that have helped me at all. I have to take Ambien to be able to sleep and I take two different anti-depressants to help with depression and anxiety. I'm glad that you have found a natural substance to take rather than prescriptions. It has to be better for you!


I'll definately try that for neck pain that is usually aggrevated by inflammation. Thanks for the idea. Like you said, it's definately worth a shot!

lori said:

Hii Jenn,

Have you ever tried essential oils?? Peppermint mixed with a carrior oil such as olive oil can be used as a topical sure to use gloves or wash hands very well b/c if you rub your essential oil healing recipes..there are a lot of them..I have used the peppermint mixed with euycolyptis(sp) mixed w/olive oil.....does help me a bit..but not with severe pain...worth a shot, right??

Let us know.



BTW: It does nothing to help me sleep. I have on again/off again insomnia that I sometimes will resort to taking Ambian for. However, like I said, it really helps with anxiety and depression.