Cracking and popping noise inside head

When I move my neck I get this crackling or popping noise in my head. I don't know how else to explain it. Does anyone else get this?

Do you experience pain with it? I have "popping" in my neck all the time. Sometimes it even feels like it's "stuck" and I have to move my neck to get it to pop. It's pretty painful.

I crack and pop a lot post surgery. Not that it's right...but I do it as well.

I have this problem, too. Sometimes only I hear them and sometimes the click can be heard across the room. They never hurt, but they are a bit unsettling at times.

Yes I get it also and it is extremely unsettling. Mine is on the right side at the base of my skull, where my PT can feel that 2 ligaments are lax and my upper cervical spine is unstable. I've tried telling many NS about it and they just dismiss it. All I can think of is that it's b/c my skull is shifting out of place and it's probably bone rubbing on bone.

I have this problem as well. Back pre-op, I actually had to force my neck to pop and crack, now all I have to do is run my head and neck through their range of motion and I sound like a bowl of Rice Crispies. I know that it is probably not the best thing for my spine(I have Degen Disc as well), but durned if it doesn't give a bit of relief from the tightness I always feel in my neck.

nmp5284 said:

Do you experience pain with it? I have "popping" in my neck all the time. Sometimes it even feels like it's "stuck" and I have to move my neck to get it to pop. It's pretty painful.

It isn't really painful when it pops, but my neck muscles are so tight. I get pain in my upper back as well, along with a headache everyday.

I get this too, It seems like more than just a normal joint popping. sometimes it's just there and sometimes I feel like I need it to crack and pop

Definitely, mostly happens when I straighten my head, I.e. tuck my chin. This is always followed by a swooshing sound, like fluid squirting. Anyone else?

Red said:

nmp5284 said:

Do you experience pain with it? I have "popping" in my neck all the time. Sometimes it even feels like it's "stuck" and I have to move my neck to get it to pop. It's pretty painful.

It isn't really painful when it pops, but my neck muscles are so tight. I get pain in my upper back as well, along with a headache everyday.

The cracking and popping is usually not painful (every now and again a really bad one will tweak a bit) but it is more like you said...the popping seems to lessen the tension that I always feel in my neck. My neck STAYS tense...I have tried all sorts of things from acupuncture to meds but nothing works for long.

I get this also. Mine isn’t painful just strange. I thought it was just me. Sometimes it happens when I yawn.

I haven't had decompression -- but I have tons of Snap Crackle, and Pops every time I turn my head side to side. More so when I turn towards my left.

I just looked up Arnica and it looks like it would be great for the back of my neck. Only question, does it smell?