Coworkers think I should be back to normal by now

So I am almost 7 weeks post op. I went back to work this week. 5 hours a day, avoid rush hour traffic and alternate office days with work at home days.

Today One of my coworkers asked me why I still get tired so easily!! That its been 6 weeks.

I didn’t know what to say. I mean I look fine, I’m not in pain so they think I’m fine.

Has anyone else had people expect them to be their normal selfs so soon? How did you handle it?

I want to work my current part time schedule for at least 6 more weeks. But I seem to be getting some uncooperative responses at work since I seem so normal.

Thanks everyone!

Oh Helen,

Why are people so judgmental and insensitive?? It just grabs me!! Here you are , back to work, after having a major operationon 7 weeks ago!!

I personally, would simply state the are recovering from a major brain operation and that looks are deceiving...just because one looks well means NOTHING.....tell your co-workers that most people that have this surgery do not return to work this fast...and that is the truth!!

I am angry for you..people are just so darn quick to pass judgment!!

Let us know how you are doing...keep us in the loop.

Oh yes! My daughter is a, shall I say, very good looking 14 year old runner in tip top shape. Looks great but at 4 mo post op, she still needs FAR more rest than others, has pain, symptoms are only 60% better at this point, etc,... NS said even at her age this could go on for a year or more or even forever.

Thanks everyone. It’s nice to know soapy other people can relate to this problem.

I’m sure I’m just being over sensitive. I know they care about how I’m doing since they do ask a lot. It’s just that when my answer is “not too bad just tired” I get odd looks.

I’ll be talking with my boss next week catching up on everything that I need to know from the past few weeks so I’ll mention it and go from there.

I know I am lucky to be able to get back to work so soon. Truth is work helps to keep me sane! Not sure where I would be without it.

I can’t handle my full work load right now but know I’ll get there soon.

Thanks again for your advice.

PS Beeba - as ever your comments make me laugh. And post surgery laughing doesn’t cause me any pain!

At over 4 months out,I’m still getting tired,just don’t over do.It is so great to have those who understand that this is not like most surgeries,really the only ones who really know are those who have been through it.It may take as long as a year or longer,we do have to stay busy enough to stay sane,I’m 60 yrs. old and I’m sure younger patients heal faster but this is truly a blessing to be able too have it.People don’t know what you’ve been through but if they continue to expect to much tell them you can bring them some info.Take care.