my employer won’t work with me at all & is only giving me 27 days max to have my surgery & recover. after the 27 days are up i will be terminated from my job. i have never taken a sick day, never taken a PTO day or even been late. i work at a well known luxury car dealership & was told 10 months ago that if i needed time off for any family, personal issues or health problems it wouldn’t be a problem because they wanted me there so badly. i also got a promotion within my first 4 months at this dealership so for all my hard work to come crashing down over something i can’t control has really been discouraging… in so many aspects of my life. i played volleyball for 14 years & was planning to play again & go to college on a scholarship, but after hearing how “literally messed up in it head” i am, i don’t know if i’ll ever be confident enough to have a job let alone play volleyball. everything my manager has told me has only caused me more stress, since i’ll be out of an income for a month at least, & even more sadness. i was diagnosed with depression, anxiety, ODC, ADD & insomnia 5 years ago & it seems that everything is making them worse right now. if he absolute last thing i want is pity, all i want is for someone to actually understand what is going on & how i’ve been pushing through these feelings & this pain for so long. i’ve been brushing all my symptoms off as pain from volleyball or sleeping the wrong way or just a random headache. but when “sleeping the wrong way”, “pain from 14 years of volleyball”, & “random headaches” were my excuses for not being able to get out of bed in the morning i knew it was serious. it started to cause worse symptoms & i couldn’t go on knowing something was wrong but not know what. now that i know something is actually wrong & its not all in my head, everyone is suddenly making me feel like i’m crazy & it is all actually in my head. they don’t understand & it’s so hurtful to be talked down to by someone you thought was in your corner & wanted you to succeed in this company, as well as life in general. it’s extremely discouraging & makes me feel completely worthless & unwanted. i’m in such a dark & sad place right now & my employer, coworkers, friends & even family are only pushing me deeper into this dark hole. i feel like i’m never gonna get out. in short it sucks.
Taylor,I am so very sorry for all you are going through with your job and upcoming surgery.What a lot of stress all at once!I had an easier situation with my job than you have, but I the surgery itself and how disabled I’d become was very stressful.My thoughts and prayers are with you!
I am so sorry you are going through this! It sounds like my story, I am back to work and waiting for them to fire me over nothing. I went back to work and really went above and beyond to show them I was better. After a few months I was told it didn’t matter, I was at the bottom of the employee list and would stay there. So they haven’t found cause yet but I will be the first to go when they decide.
The good news is that I am not my job. I wasn’t crazy! I am more stable than I have been in a long time. I am who I am and no job or people who turned their backs because I was ‘crazy’ will change that. I am a good, loyal person, I enjoy helping people. I am gonna keep being me and the rest will work itself out! It will work out for you too!!!
My surgery date is set for November 30th so I’m still working and I start my leave on the 29th. My managers are already trying to find a reason to let me go and have had 8 interviews in the last week looking for my “replacement”. I got called into my manager’s office today because apparently I’m “not keeping my work area clean”. they came up and took everything we have at the front of the dealership and on my desk and cleaned if off then came back to tell me I wasn’t doing my job right. I mean, my job is not to clean the dealership. It’s to help clients when they come in but they’re doing everything they can to make me feel like I’m replaceable, even tho they haven’t found a replacement in the 8 interviews they’ve had lol. Everything will work out, it’s just a lot of stress I shouldn’t have to deal with on top of the stress of the surgery. Sorry guys, I just needed to vent really bad and y’all are the only ones that really understand what I’m dealing with…
oh, I definitely get it!!!
Good luck to you with your surgery!!
I’m so sorry to hear that. Feel free to vent. What’s happening to you is terrible. Best of luck on your surgery.
Piss on those nit picking buggers, get through this and you’ll get a better job. Iam a foreman on a huge bison ranch and do a good job at it too. I explained my situation and they just take my flare ups just like I do. They even joke that they can tell when a storm is coming, if I am slurring and my eye is droopy! Hang in there.
Go to surgeon and fill out FMLA paperwork. The employer will have to retain A position for you. Look up FMLA for your state. It should be good for 12 months, and yes you can renew it after that. Worth looking into. Also lawyers are possible since you have been given an ultimatum. Good luck