Chiari and weather changes

Hi my chiari friends! I am 5 months post op and it seems that every time rain rolls in or the temperature’s drop to the 40s I literally can’t get out of bed. My neck tightens up, my head throbs on the left and I am left feeling like I just took 10 steps back from how I was feeling the day before. This to shall pass right??

Hi Kristin,

I don't have CM, I'm just a temporary helping hand here, but being arthritic, I know about low barometric pressure. As my Chiropractor explains, when the pressure drops, it caused the body to expand (swell) and thump.

I downloaded the Accu weather ap on my iphone as it is one of the few forecasts that gives you the barometric pressure readings, and I know even before they do, if that's possible, when the pressure drops.

I'm very interested in what everyone else in the group has to say, aren't you? Besides the highly trained physicians who care for all of you, you are the experts!

Wishing you high barometric pressure,


Thank you! I need to download that app! I think I could be a meteorologist I swear… I feel the effects days in advance and tell people before it’s on the news… When it’s sunny and 70° life is perfect!

I am 3 years (I think!) since my last decompression...I had 3 done. I still can tell a difference when the weather is like this...cold and wintry or rain. Not as bad...but it's there. Nothing like summertime with the warmth of the sun beating down on my head and neck...ahhhhhh......

Morning. I had my decompression in July of 2014. Despite the doubt that my surgery was successful (but that’s a whole separate topic), I still am a walking barometer!

Kristen, it sounds like you live in a fairly mild region temperature-wise, which is good. We’re known for using our air conditioning and heat her with the same 12 hour span. But regardless. I keep a migraine strength NSAID on me at all times and I have the WeatherUnderground app on my phone, which also does barometric pressure changes. Good luck!!!

Abby, THREE decompression surgeries!!! Ick, what a dismal prospect. I hope third time has been the charm and you are finally feeling better!!!

I’m glad to read that others are experiencing the same as I am.

Hi, I totally understand this! I live in michigan and right now wish I lived somewhere else! I notice all pressure changes and weather changes, should probably be a meteorologist. I notice huge changes in migraines, pain symptoms and vertigo. My drs have confirmed that this is a real thing. I also use a weather app for a heads up. I have used olive root extract in the past and this helps. Also I notice that I have allergies and need to keep that under control. My best bet is usually an nsaid When symptoms start. You may notice this less after you have fully recovered from your surgery. Best wishes!!

no, not really. changes in barometric pressure are a constant trigger . i have what we call " a 200 mile radius"... i sense the weather changes quickly.

the brainfog is the worst, but the muscle spasticity is frightening. i lock up like a robot. i end up in bed or my recliner.

Hi. Yes I experience the same. I was decompressed March 2014. I do feel part of it is because we tend to subconsciously tense our bodies up in the cold. But I of course believe most people are effected by barometric pressure. You may also find the humidity in summer brings it’s own problems, and like someone else mentioned, the sun directly hitting our skin. I think the government should be obligated to set us all up in a place with nice even Temps and no humidity! I dream of southern California! !

I live in missouri, any time the barometric pressure is lower than 28 or higher than 30 or any dips , I get pressure in the base of my skull and in my neck where my syrinx is.

I’m happy to know it is not just me but sad for all of us… It’s definitely not fun!

I had my surgery in 2009 and I’m sorry to say it did not help this issue for me. My husband calls me a human barometer. I can feel a change coming up to 24 hrs before it even happens! When it dips below 30.00 I know I’m in trouble. My husband wants to travel to Alaska but there’s no way I’m going near that state as they have the lowest pressures anywhere. I also get very stiff in my neck and joints during this time and my neck and base of my skull become very swollen. I will say that we moved to Boise Idaho last year and I do feel much better here since it’s more of a desert climate and there are a whole lot more sunny high pressure days. We moved from Spokane wa which has constant weather changes. Between weather and the full moon every month, it can be rough! Just trying to make the best of the good days :slight_smile:

Hi Susan,

My Rheumatologist has suggested I move to an arid climate, but my son (only child) and grandchildren are here and I think that moving away from them would cause more pain and suffering than the barometric pressure, and that's a lot!

I lived in Seattle for a year in my young, healthy days, and as beautiful as it was, I could not get through the incessant rain, fog and mud! I've been through Idaho, and what I saw of it was just as nice!

I wish you health and happiness there!