Barometric pressure and wind

Hey everyone, its that time of year again its cold and windy and my head has swollen up due to barometric pressure changes I am noticing more and more what triggers me and the last week has been hard emotionally. I accept that its just the way it is but am wondering if there are any tips or tricks for managing this sudden change I feel it effects my hormones to. I am trying to get on with daily life and work but feel such relief when I put my head on a pillow. Any helpful tips would be great i try Panadol heat packs stretches napping essential oils massage. Anything else?

Hey BSC,
Post neurosurgery I too have had issues with weather and the air pressure. I have a VP shunt and queried the neurologists about changes in pressure and they looked at me like I was crazy, but I can assure you, weather does play a part in all of this. As for remedies, I am yet to find one. It’s all part of what I manage. I can’t control the weather so I try to manage around it. Sorry I don’t have any great answers.

Merl from the Moderator Support Team

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yep people think im crazy to but I know its real and painful cause my head is swollen right now its its been 2 years since my op and I still feel it.

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If it’s any consolation, my last surgeries were in 2013 and barometric pressure STILL affects me. My favourite line (NOT) “OHH it can’t be THAT bad…” I had a nurse in the hospital give me that line and I told her to lay on the floor and I’d boot her in the head and she could then tell me. She was NOT impressed, but then nor was I with her comment. As another member often says “…you only know it if you have lived it…”
We know 'cos we’ve been there too. You ain’t crazy, this is very real.

Merl from the Moderator Support Team

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ha! that’s very reassuring had good laugh some nurses are so cold haha