The last few weeks I've been experiencing burning eyes, sometimes so bad that they will water. I wasn't sure if this was a symptom as it just started in the last few weeks and seems to be quite random. It isn't painful, just burns like it does when you put eye drops in an irriated eye so it's annoying an inconvenient. Has ayone else experienced this?
From what I've heard the warmer temps during the winter have made allergy season worse than normal this year. I have been having burning eyes but so have my other friends/family who do not have chiari.
Eyes that are burning and watering are usually dry. Try using artificial tear drops throughout the day they are over the counter and you cant get them at most stores. Also at night close your eyes and wipe your eye lids with a hot wash cloth. A very common condition people of all ages get is called Blepharitis and it can cause similar symtoms. Hope this helps. If it does not get better go see your eye doc. Smiles TIffany
My one eye was burning as I was reading your post. lol
Thanks, Tiffany. :) My eyes do not feel dry at all, nor have I ever had an issue with dry eyes (not that that can't change). It's just very spontaneous when this happens. I suppose it could be allergies but sometimes it's only one eye at a time. Very odd.
Tiffany P said:
Eyes that are burning and watering are usually dry. Try using artificial tear drops throughout the day they are over the counter and you cant get them at most stores. Also at night close your eyes and wipe your eye lids with a hot wash cloth. A very common condition people of all ages get is called Blepharitis and it can cause similar symtoms. Hope this helps. If it does not get better go see your eye doc. Smiles TIffany
LOL! Oh, the fun!
Tradee30 said:
My one eye was burning as I was reading your post. lol
I know it sounds strange that eyes would tear when they are dry. What happens is when they are dry more tears are produced to try and make up for what is not there. When your cornea does not have a good tear film on it is will cause a burning sensation. A good example is when you try and stare at some one and don't blink your tear film evaporates,your cornea becomes dry and your eyes will start to burn, try it. Iam a Opthalmic technician I have worked in ophthamology for 14 years this is very common. If you dont have a eye doc you should establish care with one. There are alot of helpful things that they can offer to make your eyes more comfortable. Also patients with Chiari can often have blurry vision,double vision, and swelling in the back of the eye from high CSF. So it is good to have a eye doc you can turn to. Best of luck. Smiles Tiffany
Nichole said:
Thanks, Tiffany. :) My eyes do not feel dry at all, nor have I ever had an issue with dry eyes (not that that can't change). It's just very spontaneous when this happens. I suppose it could be allergies but sometimes it's only one eye at a time. Very odd.
Tiffany P said:Eyes that are burning and watering are usually dry. Try using artificial tear drops throughout the day they are over the counter and you cant get them at most stores. Also at night close your eyes and wipe your eye lids with a hot wash cloth. A very common condition people of all ages get is called Blepharitis and it can cause similar symtoms. Hope this helps. If it does not get better go see your eye doc. Smiles TIffany
I have been diagnosed with Sjorgen's and I have extremely dry eyes. Eye drops throughout the day are good and so are eye gels for while you sleep. Thera tear have worked for me in the past however, now I have prescription drops from the eye doctor. My eyes burn and tear randomly.
yes, i have this every day. Usually I can count on it happening when I wake up in the morning.
I have right now. Was scheduled.for cataract removal but its been put on the back.burner for now ad I’m.scheduled to have hardware removed from my neck Saturday morning. I sometimes wake night with one or the other eye hurting n pouring tears. My left eye is the culprit this morning. It’s burning,red n is blurry. Going to try my eye drops n hope they help. Hope u find relief soon!
Ugh. It's back and worse. It feels as though someone is trying to pull my eyeballs out of their sockets from behind. More burning, and more headaches/neck pain along with it. So frustrated.
Yesterday I lost my vision for about 10 minutes in the grocery store. Luckily, my 13 yrd was with me and was able to help me around the store. I am so thankful I wasn't driving. It was very scary. It didn't go black, just super bright lights and kaleidescope style colors, designs flooded my vision.
10 minutes is a really long time... were you light-headed?
This does not sound good... What were the results of your MRI?
Nope, not light headed but had a head and neck ache pretty much all day.
MRI showed mild crowding and a herniation of the cerebellar tonsils to C1. No measurement given. Haven’t had a cine MRI yet. Seeing neurologist tomorrow.
Kaleidescopes and vision loss sounds like a ocular Migraine. Some migraines will have a headache and some are just ocular with no headache just visual disturbances lasting 10-20 minutes. Talk to your Neurologist about these symtoms the more they know the better they can help you. Hope you start to feel better.
I do daily. The eye doc said they were ocular migraines. It’s usually just one eye,it hurts,burns n waters like crazy. Was scheduled for cataract removal as they have clouded the left eye esp but first need to have hardware removed from my neck fusion on Saturday.morning. Always something!
Wow I’m glad I saw this post bedsides have the pain and burning in one eye too. I was wondering It could be chosen related or just over sensitivity to the sun/ heat. At least I know now that I’m not alone and I’m not crazy
PS. I hate the autocorrect feature on my phone