Brain stem "thickening" on MRI

I saw the NS nurse (protocol before seeing him) on Thursday. She pointed out that my brain stem is thicker (or wider...cant remember the word) than she would like to see, but didn't provide an explanation as to why and I was so stunned by everything that I don't even think I asked.

Has anyone's MRI ever showed that? And if so, was an explanation provided? Could it be CSF pressure?

I am having such a hard day over everything...not knowing if he will offer surgery as a possibility is freaking me out (I can't keep living like this or feeling like this), and the thought of surgery and the recovery is terrifying me.

I feel almost hopeless.

Unfortunately I don't go back to see him until the 23rd. My initial appt was last Thursday with his nurse. I would sure like to have some idea on what could make my brain stem look funny before I go...

I am not a medical professional and in no way am saying that this it what it could be...maybe it is scar tissue build-up. Prior to my decompression surgery, my NS said that I had a lot of scar tissue due to the cerebral tonsills pressing against my brain stem. Just a thought. Please let us know how it goes with the NS. And by no means should you feel helpless or hopeless. You are way ahead of the game (than most others) because you are actually seeing an NS. Good Luck!!!

I had adhesions on my brain stem. maybe scar tissue can make it look thicker on guess. My surgery was 11 years ago and they didn't explain very much to me about my surgery other than the basics but he said they removed a lot of adhesions. Sometimes they can't tell the extent of the damage until they go in and operate.It's normal to be scared and freaked out. We are all here for you anytime you need to vent.