BOTOX! Some possible relief in the near future!

I had an appt with the neurology department's headache specialist yesterday. I have been through all of the typical meds to help with the post op daily headaches, nerve pain and constant neck pain, so they are FINALLY moving onto something else. She sent in a preauthorization for Botox treatment. I am so excited! I know that it will not get rid of evey type of headache that I experience and all of the pain but at this point I will take even a little relief. They will use 31 sites to inject .10 ml of botox in each site and it is supposed to help with occipital neuralgia and the ice pick stabbing that I have in my ear and over my left eye. I felt like jumping for joy and crying all at the same time! She also gave me Baclofen. I had posted soemthing a few weeks ago about it. It is a muscle relaxer that I have heard that had helped other Chiarians suffering from neck pain. So, I will keep everyone posted for sure!!! I am hoping that this is really an answer for a lot of us suffering!

She had explained to me the way that the botox works, it is really amazing and exciting. Here is a quick overview:

How does Botox work ?

  • Normally, your brain sends electrochemical messages to your muscles to make them contract and move. These messages are transmitted from a nerve to the muscle by a substance called acetylcholine. When too much acetylcholine is released, muscles become overly active and spasm or tense up.
  • Botox® blocks the nerve from releasing acetylcholine. As a result, the muscle spasms stop or are greatly reduced, providing relief from symptoms. Your health care provider will know how much Botox® is needed to treat you effectively.
  • It’s important to remember that botulinum toxin treatment is not a cure. For many people, however, its effects have been dramatic. With Botox®, the nerve will take about 3 months to recover and begin to release acetylcholine, and the muscles may become overactive again. At that point, another injection will be needed to provide relief, as long as no allergic reactions or other significant side effects occurred and clinical response was obtained.

Hope everyone is having a as pain free as possible of a day :)

Lol, Beeba! Don't worry about it. I am very patient, Chiari has taught me that!!! I am absolutely going to keep everyone informed of the process. I am so hoping that it helps ,myself and others.

Thanks Emmaline! I am so hopeful! I feel ike jumping for joy and crying all at the same time. I am so ready for some relief. I told the NL, even if it takes half of the pain will be a success! The muscle spasms and tightness have caused so many issues it is unbelievable.

Emmaline said:

That's awesome Nicole! I hope it is what you need.

Can't wait to hear how it works for you!