Black outs, pauses and confusion

Has anyone ever had moments where you felt as if you had a black out or outer body experience and when you came to, you felt very confused? Today I was pulling into a parking spot took my foot off the gas and paused. I felt like I had stopped but the car was still moving. When I finally realized the car was moving, I thought “break” and I couldn’t remember where the break pedal was and hit the gas instead causing me to drive onto the sidewalk into the flower bed almost hitting a building. When I took my foot off the gas it was delayed like I couldn’t move my foot, felt very confused. Luckily I hit the break just in time and threw the car into reverse and park. It was very upsetting because I could have injured people, myself, and property. I dont know what happened but it felt like for 5 seconds everything was on pause almost like a black out. Any input is greatly appreciated. I’m a little shooken up because the chiari is causing other alarming symptoms recently and I’m getting a bit worried.

Sometimes I momentarily forget what I was about to do, or why. Or I lose my train of though, and I have slow reactions sometimes, even when my son is trying to get my attention, it takes me a minute to realize he's talking to me even though I hear him.

Thank you retromommy2 and emmaline for sharing your experiences! Im okay :slight_smile: Normally I don’t drive because I’m almost always dizzy. I was just moving the car from one spot to another thinking…
“this will be no problem” lol
Sometimes I zone out from day to day but nothing like that. I am seeing a urologist soon because of urinary issues and numbness in my lower half but it may be a while until I can see a chiari specialist.

I really appreciate the support, this group is amazing!

I had my license pulled b/c of this. I got into 3 accidents in a week. Luckily no one got hurt in any of them. I black out, pass out and have hardcore space cadet moments where I go totally blank. Or sometimes I just have drop attacks where my body totally gives out and everyone thinks I’m passed out but I am fully conscious, I just can’t move or communicate.
As time progresses they get worse and more frequent (sometimes a few times a day). I spent the first half of my last pregnancy totally out of it, either blacked out or passed out. Do you take meds? My dr put me on verapamil…it kinda helps. But like I said, for me, as time progresses it gets worse and more frequent.
Not driving sucks. It really sucks. But it’s better than killing or hurting yourself or someone else.
Sorry to hear this is happening to you. Hopefully you can find a way to get it under control. Good luck :slight_smile:

I had terrible urinary problems my whole life. Incontenance, urinary tract infections, bladder infections having to go the bathroom 15-20 times a day (I thought it was normal) After my decompression it all went away. I couldn't believe it.

Soheyy said:

Thank you retromommy2 and emmaline for sharing your experiences! Im okay :) Normally I don't drive because I'm almost always dizzy. I was just moving the car from one spot to another thinking...
"this will be no problem" lol
Sometimes I zone out from day to day but nothing like that. I am seeing a urologist soon because of urinary issues and numbness in my lower half but it may be a while until I can see a chiari specialist.

I really appreciate the support, this group is amazing!

I've definitely forgotten which pedals are which. I blank out a lot, like the thoughts get stuck between my unconscious brain and my conscious self. I *know* what I want to say/do, but I just can't seem to make my body follow through! For *years* I have had issues with speech - blanking on words, mixing them up... For instance, my husband bought me a plush frog once and I tried to say "ribbit" and it came out "birbit." My husband thought I was making up a name for the frog but I was dying inside from shame and frustration.

Good luck, I hope things get better for you soon!
Katrina W.


The same thing happened to me. It's awesome not being tied to the bathroom or having to run to one everytime your out. I read about your leak. I am so sorry that your going through this. I had a very small leak and it was not fun.


Wow I thought I was just going crazy! I have these pauses alot, thankfully never had them when I was driving. I know alot of people do this and it is normal but not to these extreme cases. I do it so often that it totally delays my whole day, I have been late getting my son from school because I would be sitting on the couch wondering what I was suppose to be doing. I get very frustrated when this happens! Hope this gets better for all of us :)

Lmnembhart what you described is exactly how it felt! Almost like passeing out but was fully conscious and couldn’t move. Its such a bummer chiari causes so many issues for us all on top of having to find a doctor who will take us seriously. When I see the urologist, I am going to make sure right off the bat they do a urodynamics test on me before a laparoscopy. I will make it clear to him that the urinary and numbness issues could be related to the chiari. I’d be surprised if he took it into consideration. Don’t even know if I should go there with him about the car incident. I think it’s literally all in my head too Becki, just finding the right head doctor is the key. I’m glad to hear surgery helped you guys! I will keep hopeful there will be that day! Hope you are doing well Since your surgery Becki <3
Thanks again for sharing everyone :slight_smile: