Activity Level-for teenager


My daughter was diagnosed over two years ago with Chiari 1, she will be 14 next month.. We have elected not to try the decompression surgery, because results do not seem favorable. We have tried varies techniques to alleviate the headaches. The problem is she has been dancing since she was 3 years old, she loves it and lives for dance. The doctors tell us she should avoid all vigorous activity. I am wondering if this is dangerous for her to dance, she understands the movements that cause her headaches to worsen and tries to minimize lose actions. I am curious if anyone remains active with their pain. She works through her pain, I can only assume she is one tough cookies.

Yes, everybody is different. I would have her avoid any whiplash motions- I watched a Brittany Spears “behind the scenes” of her concert and she whips her head around so hard I’m surprised it hasn’t just rolled right off her neck. It’s choreographed I know, but be sure that’s not going on with your daughter- that’s a deal breaker. When I became symptomatic I was a runner. I continued to run even though it worsened symptoms for the time I ran, but it was actually a PT who took my symptoms list to the next level- some simple stretches worsened my condition to the point I almost had to quit my job. It’s so hard to say what or when will do it. Just know her head and neck are far more fragile then the people around her. She needs to be careful, but equally important needs to have fun and have joy.

Ps she doesn’t have a syrinx does she? Or sleep apnea?

Pss she is one tough cookie and having a great support system with tons of encouragement will help her beyond measure.