6 weeks post op

Hi guys! I had a couple of questions I was hoping some of you could help me with. I am 6 weeks post op and some of my previous symptoms have returned with a vengeance. When I get up in the morning I have to take two Vicodin and sit perfectly still for 30 minutes before I can get my day going. When I wake up my neck is throbbing my upper back and shoulders in addition to a headache unlike what I previously had. Throughout the day I have sharp pains in my incision site yet it looks perfect according to my husband and pc doctor. My right arm aches non stop and the thumb and first finger are so weak I can't open a soda bottle without help. Is this normal? How long did you guys need pain meds to be able to function? The pharmacy is treating me like I am some addict and questioning my refills and on one occasion straight out called me a liar on when I had my meds refilled. My husband had a tooth pulled and it was his prescription she was thinking of because I picked it up for him. On top of it sitting in the house alone all day just makes me focus on the pain. I can not drive much on my own because my vision has changed and my ns wants me to wait longer to get my prescription rechecked. Sometimes I feel so guilty because Im not doing any better than this. My husband keeps telling me not to be ashamed for needing the meds but I cant help but wonder with the way the pharmacy has treated me is he also thinking the same thing? Plus when the pain is constant i tend to go silent and just stay in my own head mainly because I dont want to say that I am hurting. I know everyones recovery is different but has anyone else had this same thing happen. Is it a reality that I will need pain meds for a long time? Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated! Of course I want full honesty as well, the last thing I want is an addiction I have to recover from as well.

Thanks guys!!


Thanks guys, my ns has been on vacation for two weeks and none of the other surgeons in his office seem to want to get involved. I see him next Wednesday so I am hoping for some guidance. I was given Valium to come home with but I havent been taking it. Maybe that is the problem, especially if I am not getting enough sleep. The Vicodin does seem to wire me a bit but they had me on percocet and I asked for something a little weaker because I seemed loopy all the time. Ii do run a low blood pressure and have been treated for it in the past but lately it was in normal range but on the lower end of it. I did read on dysautonomia and the symptoms of POTS are very accurate for what I have been feeling especially with the pressure headaches. Im out of pain meds for the weekend and not looking forward to tomorrow morning but it is what it is. I appreciate the support :)

I second the ice packs. They were the only thing that helped DD after surgery with neck pain/spasms. DD was off of all narc's two weeks after surgery because they (NP for NS and Ped) refused to give her more. Now she suffers with pain.

Yes getting off of the medication should be done as soon as possible BUT not at the expense of hurting nonstop!


I am so very sorry she is suffering! I know how debilitating it can be. I agree about getting off the meds as soon as possible but I can not even imagine how I am going to handle work with the pain I am having now, so I know the idea of her returning to school must be just as difficult. My husband doesnt think I should go back to work that I need to accept this is part of my life now , pain I mean, and I should just stay home. The thought of that scares me more than the idea of hurting like this every morning for the rest of my life. I am 41 and have survived a lot of crap but to think your baby may be stuck with this pain at such an early age makes me cry. Please give her a hug for me and know you both are in my prayers because I am so thankful it was me with this disease instead of one of my children. So my heart goes out to you.
