Sorry if these are too many updates - I just really wanted to give people who haven't had the surgery a sense of what it is like.
My incision feels tight and itchy, but I can move my neck pretty well and it gets a little more mobile each day. I have no trouble sleeping and can sleep on my back/on the incision. No oozing or any signs of infection from the incision (I washed my hair on day 5 after surgery, by the way, with my surgeon's blessing).
I have my first post op appointment this Thursday. I have just enough pain medication to last until then. I'm going to ask for a refill, but I don't know if they will give it to me. They barely gave me enough to last until my post op appointment. I definitely don't need to take as many pills nor do I need to take them as often, but I do feel like I still need them for another week or two. How long do patients normally get them?
I did have to make a trip to the ER a couple mornings ago for some excruciating leg pain. Felt like I was being stabbed from my hips down to my knees. Was writhing in pain. Called the on call doctor, they wanted me to get checked for blood clots. Got checked, and that test was negative. Since no one could figure out the source of my pain, I figure it was one of my medications. Specifically, I suspect I took too many stool softeners. I eased up on them and the next night still had the leg pain but on a smaller scale, but no pain after that.
Back to the surgery - I am doing so well I honestly don't know what to do with myself. Did another 3 hours of shopping yesterday and felt great. I'm supposed to be off work 4-8 weeks and I don't know what I'm supposed to do with my time. What is supposed to happen in those 4-8 weeks? This is the meds talking I'm sure, but I almost feel ready to go back to work! I just don't know how different I'm going to feel in 2 weeks than I feel today.
I have unfortunately gained about 6 pounds since the surgery, which I'm extremely disappointed with since I have always struggled with my weight. I don't know how it's physically possible to gain 6 pounds in 11 days, but whatever. We have a pretty nasty storm moving into our area tomorrow, but then I asked my husband to please start accompanying me for some walks, so we'll start on Wednesday.
I went to church yesterday and I have to say, singing already feels different since being decompressed. Singing used to bring an instant headache, but yesterday I was able to sing without the pressurized feeling. Not sure if that was just yesterday or if that will be permanent - crossing my fingers it's permanent! I also have stopped clearing my throat every 5 minutes, that feels wonderful. People used to tell me I made "funny noises" and were always asking me if I wanted a cough drop. Woohoo!
I think that's enough of an update for now. If anyone has any questions whatsoever about my surgery experience, please don't hesitate to message me - I'm an open book. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday!