Would it be wrong to actually start looking forward to the surgery with the knowledge that life has a chance of improving.
That's a great way of looking at it. I am looking at having my revision soon and I am starting to really worry. It doesn't help that worry is my fall back position. I worry about everything and everyone. It keeps me up at night and fuels my insomnia. I think that we have to think of it that way. Why else would we put ourselves through it? I've been starting to think about having to deal with the neck pain again and healing, headaches ect.... And it really scares me. I wonder if I have it in me 10 years later to do it all again. The thing that I keep thinking about is my kids. This dayum thing has taken so many years from them because I can't do the things other moms can do. I have to try and get better for them.... and me and it's not going to happen on it's own.
You sound like such a good dad and a really great person. You deserve to feel better. I think sometimes Chiari is so overwhelming we can only think about the next minute or next hour ect.... It's nice to be able to maybe start planning for a better life with family friends and some fun. You deserve to feel better Michael. I will pray for you.
where did all I typed go. I know I typed way more than this, I am not that crazy yet. off on a search to find it
Mike, my dear...
NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was counting down the days before my surgery. I was so sick of being of sick and tired..I welcomed the surgery..don't get me wrong..I wasn't looking forward to the recovery!! But luckily, looking back, it was not all that bad.
You are gonna do GREAT!!!!! So..start the countdown!!! July 16th here we come!!!
No !!!! It is not wrong. You need to have faith that your surgery is going to be successful. It is even beneficial to use visualization that you have a positive Surgical experience, Hospital Stay & Recovery. It really works. Also be as strong as possible going into surgery. Eat Right, get plenty of rest & think positive !!! Let us know how your family is doing. I am very excited about your baby on the way !!!
Tracy Z.