I'm just wondering if it would be helpful for her and for our family to have a place to get updated on her surgery and recovery during this process. I'm thinking I might - just so I don't have to keep typing the same updates over and over again. Thoughts? Has anyone else done this?
Thanks for the reply - yeah the more I look at it the more it makes sense. I'm going to check in with my husband tonight and make sure he's on board with that as well, and I'll share the link!
that will give her an opportunity to "blog" about it as well.
I don't think its silly at all! I set one up for my 5 y/o so that I could keep family and friends informed, but also not have to repeat the details over and over. With everything my son is going through, the day to day and get pretty stressful. I just don't have it in me to repeat everything to everyone, especially the not so good stuff. Good luck with everything!