Yesterday I had a Dr's appt. with an ENT. For the past 4-5 month's my ears have been bothering me. I can hear my heart beat and breathing in my ears, there is a high pitched ringing and my voice sounds like an echo. It's kind of like when you have a cold and your ears feel full, but at the same time they hurt. So the Dr. looks in my ears ( nothing there ), they ck. my hearing ( nope, nothing there either ) my hearing is within the normal limits and therefore, even though I have told them that I can not hear things that I normally hear; I must be confused. Or at my age people start to have different hearing than when they are younger. What? How old do they think I am? Then there is the pain issue. Which can not be explained by anything going on with my ears, as there is absolutely nothing wrong with them, but the Dr. would be happy to refer me to a Dentist that deals with TMJ. I'm at the point where even the thought of seeing even one more Dr. makes me feel nauseated. Is it just me? Or is my entire body falling apart ALL at the same time? Seriously, you have got to be kidding me!!! Is this how the rest of those fighting this diagnosis live their lives? Do we just reach a point that when there are otherwise unexplained health issues in our lives, we just blame it on the Chiari Diagnosis? That way we don't have to feel like we are going crazy. Even though I have an incredible Neurologist, who goes well out of his way to give me as much comfort and reassurance understanding this ridiculous illness - I'm starting to feel like I just want to crawl under a rock and stay there until it passes and say nothing to anyone about anything that is going on with me. Are any of the rest of you feeling like me?
I have been experiencing a sharp pain in my ear since surgery along with "TMJ" stiffness. I am seeing my dentist on Monday for evaluation. I have also been told it is not "chiari related". I will keep you informed what the dentist says on Monday!