What are you thankful for?

I know we are all dealing with so much but sometimes it is good to step back and think what we are thankful for.

I am thankful for a great support system, getting to see the sunrise every morning, chocolate. I am also thankful that my car starts every time :). , awesome pair of cowgirl boots ( I can just put my foot in without zipping up or tying laces).

I am also grateful for Reggae music it is my stress reliever :)

I'm going through a really rough patch right now but I do have a lot to be thankful for including: my amazing husband, my new granddaughter, my daughter, my parents (my dad is really sick right now so I'm pretty sad and worried about him, he's the best dad ever!), having decent health coverage, having a job that works around my appointments and everything that is happening with my dad, great music, good books, a great NS who made my first year post-op so great, living somewhere with abundant hiking trails and gorgeous scenery, coffee, chocolate, and tea! :)

I'm thankful for my two healthy children, for my new part-time job, for my local PCP treating my dysautonomia and lyme disease, for the titanium plate covering the decompressed area of my brain (I'd be scared to death of a brain injury with no skull or titanium covering it!), for living in America where we have great healthcare and freedom, for the little bit of alone time I have to spend with my God (I'm a Christian.), for technology that keeps us connected with friends when we're too sick to get out of bed, for autumn in Alabama (summers are heck here), for my church, and for carrot cake.

I'm thankful for God, my life (even though its really hard right now), family. The moments that I can think clearly. =)

I haven't visited here for a while and I'm thankful for that because it means I haven't been feeling too horrible lately!

I'm thankful for all that I have- wonderful husband and the best little boy in the world, our home (so many people without one after last weeks storms), our cats, having pretty decent health insurance (unfortunately I'm not the only "defective" one in the family!), my mom and my in-laws and in general, being able to live the life I live, how, when, where, as opposed to the oh so many undesirable options in this world. Chiari sucks but for me, at least not yet, it's not completely life changing the way it is for so many others. For me it's merely life-annoying and life-stressing and if that's the worst of it, I'm doing okay! And for that too, I am oh so thankful!

Oh, and my husband's job, I'm thankful for that too because from it, he sometimes brings home cookies, candy, ice cream or popcorn! Yum!

I’m thankful for being an American, for my family, and my little dog. For my job, my health insurance, my warm house, my CM surgeon and prospective CCI surgeon (thank God there are some surgeons willing to push the status quo!), my family, and of course my Chiari family- I truly love you all.


Faith, life, family.

Hi Chiari Family..

Happy Thanksgiving to you all..those who are travelling...be safe.

I am thankful for so much..though, it may not seem that I am..given that as of late..it seems all I do here, is complain..sorry!

I am thankful , like Jenn ..to be an American...Thank God!!

Thankful for me 2 healthy girls who are each different and each have such beautiful qualities. God has given me many, many blessings..

I am forever thankful for this group...that would be , all you members who keep me going on my darkest days...you have been there for me ..always...If anyone had told me years ago..that I would be part of an online support group ..and actually call the people I 'met' there ..real friends..I would have told them.."YOU ARE NUTS...How can you possibly be friends with people you have never laid eyes on??"

WELL...I can 100% tell you...I have true-blue friends here...didn't happen over night...friendship, real friendship takes time to cultivate. My dear friends I have made here...my Lord, what would I do without you???? Thank you, all...I thank God for Grace and Mercy...and that you became my friends. You take me as I am..the good, the bad and the one that freely gives everyone else advice..but NEVER takes her OWN...right, Abby???LOL

I am thankful that I had the honor to know my late brother in law, Jean-O and had the time with him we had...he was more my brother , than in law...he called me sweet names..."Cissy, "My Sweetheart'...I am thankful that he allowed me to help him during his illness and he gave me , more than I could ever have given him.

I am thankful for my primary , Dora...who..'gets me' and works with me...she LISTENS...rare , these days...

I am so thankful for Pastor Ray and his wife Kathy...even though I do not attend church on a weekly basis...they love me and pray with me..They are what I consider true Christians..Pastor Ray once told me , regarding attending church...."Just because I sit in McDonalds and eat a hamberger..doesn't make ME a hamberger...So, Going to church everyday or even every Sunday...does not necessarily make you a Christian." That so helped me..as I was feeling badly about my spiritual life...Due to my health situation , I have not gone on a regular basis. It felt good not to be judged. Those of you , who are not Christian...I mean no disrespect to you or your faith...we live in this great country ...we can each follow our own spiritual path.

I could go on and on....So happy you brought this up, Liz!! Thank you...