Walt Disney World

Just got back Friday from a week long vacation at "Everything Disney" What an amazing week! No headaches, no dizziness, no stiffness in my neck. I felt like a whole new person! I did have a few crowd issues (but then who wouldn't with the amount of people there) and the motion sickness was enough to put me out of commision for a day but I'm not pinning that on the Chiari as of right now. Since I don't normally fly (3rd time in my life) and I never did rides (did 3 this week) It may just have been my body not liking it. I don't even think I thought of the word Chiari all week. It was great to feel like a normal mom and be able to do everything the kids wanted...Like stand in line for 1 1/2 hours to get a picture and an autograph from Rapunzel... :-/. I'm so glad we were able to give them this trip.

That’s so awesome! Glad you had a wonderful pain free week!
XOXO Monique

I'm so jealous! I love Disney! I'm so glad it went well for you!! :)

It is my dream to work for disney one day!

Glad to hear it went so well! Disney is such a magical place! I am glad you truly got to enjoy it!

I wonder some times how much I would appreciate the good days, the "normal" days if not for Chiari. To me now the normal is so much sweeter. I'm sure we are all smiling reading your post. So wonderful to hear some joy:-) Thank you for sharing.

Thanks everyone! Now that I'm back in reality with work, kids in school and everyday stresses I can feel everything slamming back. My thoughts and prayers are with everyone today.

Have a good day!


Glad to hear you had a good time.
