W/e plans?

Hi GANG!!!

Just throwing this out there.....what are ya all doing for the long w/e???

ME??? I am staying put..my girls and hubby are heading to RI to surprise my father in law for he's 80th birthday.

I will hang out here with my 4 dogs and help out with my mom. I really should do some cleaning as well.....LOL

Love ya's


We are staying home. It's graduation weekend and my husband is a teacher so he has to take tickets at Graduation. We will problaby grill out and just enjoy school being out. I would like to get my sewing room organized so I might try to tackle that when my youngest is napping. We had talked about getting family pictures made Monday but the thought of that is overwelming to me right now with 4 daughters.

Hope you all have a nice weekend!!

I am on call this weekend, so I will need to stay close to home. I should take this time to clean and finish unpacking....from my move in October (don't judge me...lol). I am gonna listen to music, watch some tv..maybe a movie on Netflix, and paint my toes!

I hope everyone has a nice weekend.

Much love,



I forgot that Michael and the girls were going to be gone this weekend! I wish I lived closer, I would come and hang out! Girls Night :) As I told you before, Alex & I are going to see Guy Fieri (from Food Network) at a close venue. It is going to be fun. We are doing that on Saturday and then we have no other plans for the weekend. Relaxing! Happy Memorial Day to you all!




Mary Martha...it will be a good feeling to all un-packed!! Don't over do!! You just gave me a thought...tonight..i will have the house all to myself!! So...I think I will watch a Netflix movie and do a pedi on myself..MUCH NEEDED!! Have a good one!!

Diana: enjoy the time out of school..I am trying to tackle things around here too..yesterday, I took Mary Martha's advice and took on 1 task and I got it DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah me!!!! So, today my 1 major task is to clean everything that was in our china cabinet and put it back in..See, my kitchen is under construction!!! Finally the floor is in..in order to put the floor in , of course things had to be moved..thus , the hutch and china cabinet...everything is on the table for me to clean and put back...but it will look great once it is all done..Praise God Michael (hubby) can do all this himself..if not we wouldn't be able to get it done..anyway...

Carla, Have a blast at the show...is it tonight???? How far away is the casino from you?? We have one up here...only 1 hr away...we would like to catch a show there sometime.

Hey Abby...what time ya having the burgers???? I'll be there!!!!LOL