UPDATE 6 months since surgery

Hi Everybody!
It's been 6 whole month since surgery, crazy how fast it's gone!

I was doing pretty good for the whole summer until I started to get headaches again around the start of school again. Which made me really sad, it's my senior year!
My surgeon went ahead and did a spinal tap. It came back all good but I got a spinal leak. So I had to have a blood patch which hurt very bad.
I was sent to a headache specialist and they don't know what I have... The headaches don't match anything. Which I told them, its a chiari headache. They always give me a crazy look.
I was sent back to my surgeon and he said we did the spinal tap wrong so we did another one. I got another spinal leak and had to have another blood patch... which hurts..
About a couple days ago, I went to the ER because my doctor said I should because my pain was out of control. They wanted to admit me, but I didn't want to be admitted. Hate that, all they do is drug me up. (Which they would put a piccline in because they wanted to put a pain pump on me, which is CRAZY)

Right now, my surgeon is looking at chiari maybe.. or scar tissue. They are not sure.
My headaches are much better since the surgery. I am very happy with my surgery results. <3
Just wanted to check up with you guys. Haven't updated you guys in months. Been very busy.

If any of you guys have questions feel free to ask me! Always here! Support my chiari family!

Beautiful Picture Sydney,

I am so glad you are doing so well even with the headaches & pain. You are definitely a walking miracle and dearly loved by not only me but every Moderator and Mother that was on this Forum when you were so sick. I hope your family is doing well also. Please know we are your Chiari Family & will always be here for you & praying for you. Let us know how your Sr. year is going, especially since you missed your Jr. year. I often tell new teenage Members about you & encourage them to Message you. You definitely Rock !!!!

You know if you ever need anything all you have to do is ask,



I have been wondering how you are. I’m so glad you posted. I’m so sorry you have been dealing with this. You deserve to be happy! I hope your NS gets it figured out for you… and soon! Hang in there girl!


Hey my son is Alec....He has a Chiari 13mm and had 24/7 migraines and a ton of other symptoms a mile long. We were to scared to do the surgery and opted for a change of lifestyle. Now he is a 100% percent better. We changed our diet to organic and he detoxed ( sauna, foot baths and soaked in Epson salt daily for a few months) Our environment now a days is so toxic causing inflammation in our bodies which causes the pain. I know you probably have been on a lot of meds so detoxing might do you good. Now he is living life to the fullest 11racing.com is he website:))) I wish you the best!

glad to see you are doing better. your senior year is the best hope all goes well. my prayers are with you

Hi Sydney,

I just wanted to say that you are amazing! I am new to the Chiari support group and came across one of your earlier posts as I was researching Chiari 0 and was impressed by the way you have kept at this.

I have been sick since I was 23 and cannot imagine what it would be like to have gone through this at your age. Most of my family is supportive but even as an adult with many people on my side, it has been difficult to hear those who say "your making this up" or "it's all in your head." If being sick daily isn't enough, that is truly crazy making. Thank you for hanging in there! You are an inspiration to us all.

I hope that your symptoms improve and you are able to enjoy your senior year.

This is a up and down kind of thing after surgery I’ve been so excited,then sometimes days will be harder but it’s so great to see you feeling better.I’ve been on the site for a little more than a year and everyone hear is such a great inspiration and sounds like you have been that too.I’m Lynn and it is nice to meet you.Keep us posted,I pray for everyone