Un-understanding teachers

I'm in high school and i have had trouble with one teacher all year, (i had to have knee surgery first semester) and then missed a bunch of school second semester because of many MRI's leading to my CM discovery... but I have one teacher who never seemed to get over it, and I cant seem to do well in her class. I'm scared to talk to her about everything thats going on- she never really came off as sympathetic. I just cant see her understanding, but i need her help to pass the class. I dont know what to do anymore. I broke down into tears in my schools guidence office today- but i dont want it to seem like im making excuses... any advice?

What class? Maybe get another student to help you. How are your parents with all of this? Maybe have your parents come after school and have a sit down with your teacher and explain to her what is going on. You are to young for all of this. I am so sorry :(. I know I'm in college but I kind of understand where your coming from. What are you getting currently in class. I am not trying to be snoopy at all. I have some things available through my campus that may be able to help like proof reading papers stuff like that if english comp and stuff. Please let me know

Its Pre-Caulc, my mom thinks im just making excuses to not do anything. but im really trying. its just hard... my english teachers been the most understanding, she gave me the entire summer to finish my class work. but i am currently failing. i had the school physcologist e mail her to give her a little bit of a heads up, but i didnt really want her to go into detail

I understand where you are coming from perfectly Gina college is the same way here in the states. Different teachers work things differently. If there is any way I can help you guys in high school or anything please let me know.

she just doesnt get it. its really annoying. i have really bad RLS so i cant sit still long enough to do an assignment from start to finish, its just frustrating

Can you sit in the back of class so you can get up and stretch? I found myself having to do that alot. Maybe we can come up with some solutions here with some brain storming

the biggest thing is that i dont really want to tell my teacher what exactly is wrong because soo many people at my school dont believe me becuase they've never heard of it before. i want to talk to some one about doing like an awareness outreach/ fundraiser at the school becuause i heard theres another boy at my school with CM

You need to talk to your teacher hun (I hope you do not mine that, if so I am sorry). If you sit down with her. Go in there armed with information, talk to her honestly about what is going on trust me you may be seriously be surprised. This other boy, do you think he's going through the same thing you are? I bet he is. We all feel alone and un-understood. Be the first to speak up, bring awareness to it, approach him about it and maybe both of you go talk to the school nurse about doing an awareness outreach about it, that is a great idea. Teachers do not know everything even though they act like they do!!

Gina has a great idea concerning the laptop to!!

Poptart is right there. It's called The Persons with Disabilities Act. If your parents take in your medical records the school is required by law to make accommodations and fill out whats called a EEP. The teachers are required to follow it to a T or they can be fired. I totally forgot about that damn



Hopefully these links help you. I hate hearing stuff like this. I cannot imagine being in high school dealing with this crap

I totally understand how you feel! I am a junior in HS too. I am missing so much school that I've missed about 1-2 days a week becuase of headaches. The look my teachers give me everytime they have to ask where I've been and why isn't my homework turned in makes my stomach lurch. Then I tell them I had a bad headache and they take it as almost comical. I would like to shove my book about Chiari in their faces so they'lll understand, but there isn't really anything I can do. I talked to my counseler and she is really the only one here at school who understands. I asked her to talk to my teachers so they don't think I'm a flake who just makes excuses. At least I've been exempt from P.E because the excersise they make us do in school is just to strenuous and makes my headaches come one worse- I've been dealing with that my whole life since elementry school. Unfortunetely I didn't get diagnosed up until a couple years ago. Anyway, the best you can do is just to do your best and if they continue to not understand and not be lenient, you need to talk to your counseler/principle and see what they can do for you. If not, read up on The Persons with Disabilities Act. Remember, you have rights.