Tinnitus Problems

Hey was just wondering if anyone here suffers from Tinnitus from their Chiari. I am not sure if that is why I have it but it has been getting worse and worse over the last month or so. It is a constant ringing in my ears and it is driving me crazy. I can't even sleep at night. I even hear it during the day with a lot of noise going on in my house. I am going to see my Neurologist next week. If anyone has been through this I would greatly appreciate any advise they can give me. Thanks.

I don't have it constantly, but I do have it often. This is def due to the Chiari, but what isn't?? lol I also get a muffling feeling in my ears as well. Very annoying!! Good luck at your neuro appt.

Christine :)

Thanks a bunch guys! Hopefully I will get some info from my Neuro and I will share.

Tinnitus and pulsing/whooshing w/ every heartbeat. Nothing I’ve found eases it. But they also tell me my hearing loss and ear problems aren’t from Chiari-malformation. Strange though bc i describe it exactly as some chiarians do. So I’m not sure if the docs might be wrong or if it really is a separate issue. Odd how it could be though. My hearing was fine and ears were fine, until I started presenting more symptoms. Good luck! Hope u get some answers. Let us know if ya don’t mind.



7mm herniation/non-decompressed/no syrinx

I have it constantly but mine's probably a mix of chiari and working on jets. It's the most annoying thing in the world. Really irratates family because when it's really bad i yell to be able to hear myself.

i get it once and a while, and i tried ear drops from cvs called ring relief and it help me out

have it drives me crazy with the constant pitch ringing the only break I get is when the pitch or intensity changes. Someone once told me to use ear plugs, big mistake, made it worse. I am still looking for temporary relief but haven't found none as of yet.

Thanks for the advise. I will def. look into those drops and start cutting some things out of my diet. Will let everyone know what my Neuro says next week. :-)

I met with my surgeon today for follow up and he ordered an MRI for next week; Not sure what he is looking for. I meet with my headache specialist tomorrow I'm hoping she has some answers!

Tonight I just took a pain pill to make me sleepy-hoping it works; got to be at work at 5 AM

I have tinnitus, but don't know if it is from my Chiari as I have had it for longer than I've Known I had CM.

Hey all just thought I would give you an update. Went to see the ENT on Monday and he said everything with my ears looks good. Had a hearing test and I have no hearing loss. He said unfortunately that sometimes we just do not know why people suffer from Tinnitus and we just have to try and manage it. So by managing it he told by a fan or noise machine. I need to make the noise on the outside of my head louder than what I hear on the inside. Kinda already knew that. Well anyway, bought a Vornado fan at Bed Bath & Beyond and it is def. helping me to sleep at night. He also said the casue could be because I do have TMJ and that may be making it worse. Then on Wed. I saw my Neuro doc. She has no idea why my Tinnitus has gotten worse and she is sending me on to see a Neurosurgeon and Pain Management Doc to see if it has something to do with my Chiari. Once I see them I will let you all know if I get any further info. Thanks for all the support.