I'm debating when to have the talk with my boss about my condition. I've gone back and forth about waiting until I see the Surgeon on Tuesday. But when I have days like today where I can barely focus because of the pressure in my head, my job doesn't get done well. Stress from today just made me more tense and that isn't good either. I know it's affecting my performance. Working from bed doesn't make much difference. I'd love to hear any thoughts or what others have done. I'm also concerned that he just won't have a true understanding of what is going on. While I can send him the info I've researched, I just doubt whether he will fully comprehend.
I can so relate! This is such a difficult decision to make. I did not do it until I was ready. It’s all so new to me and I had my own denial and didn’t want to talk much about it. I’ve dealt with symptoms for a while and did not want anyone at work to know and I just pushed thru…until I just couldn’t do it any longer. I finally told my boss and requested to work from home, cut back on duties and explained that I was having some neuro issues and going thru some testing and she has been wonderful. It was difficult to tell her what was going on but afterwards I was truly relieved. Cutting back on work and lowering my stress has helped to reduce my symptoms. I think the computer work and ways I held my head/neck when I would get into focusing on work was making it worse. When I return to neuro and get results of full spine mri and flow study I will share more details with her. It’s a tough spot to be in, every step along this journey has its challenges, but I guess benefits too. I’m sure it depends in the type of employer, nature of work etc, but I hope you find peace and timing with this decision! My coworkers have been so kind and supportive which helps give me comfort in the decision.
I understand the exhausting part. Just got off the phone with my fiance and I cried the whole conversation. We talked about my job and telling my boss and I'm so overwhelmed with it all. My sister knows and my best friend, but haven't discussed it with anyone else yet. Figured I needed more info first. I don't dare tell my mother because then she will be an instant expert on the subject and I'll never hear the end of it.
I do not think that a boss requires a diagnosis. Maybe the laws are different where you are. I would be hesitant to make "full comprehension" for your boss a goal. I would think that your boss needs to know what medically required work allowances are prescribed by a doctor and be given the proper notification surrounding your surgery date and follow-up time. I would suggest that you strive for maximal time on this as people on this site will give a wide range of recovery times. The appointment is not very far off...
I may be jaded as my work place was not very understanding and resulted in me being inappropriately fired (yes, I got a settlement package after the deal but it was long and messy and not what I needed).
I would be interested in hearing what other people have to say on this.
I've had the surgery already.. so I let employers know up front that I have it... I do this mostly because it is something I talk about a lot.. I'm proud of my scar and that I fought for it and fought to get my diagnosis and everything.. I also prefer having short hair which means that my scar is more visible.
In Canada, you can't be terminated for having an illness or disability, nor can you be treated different because of an illness or disability.
My current boss is very understanding and was actually interested in my condition and did some research of her own to make sure that my work environment didn't cause and issues and when it did (lighting) she bought me a hat to wear to help cut the glare.
Gabby_jazzypants -- I too was fired from an employer and reached a settlement in wrongful termination through Human Rights. It was long and messy but the company had to pay me and revise their code of conduct and as well as their accommodation policy and it had to be approved by Human Rights.
I have decided to go ahead and mention to my boss and his partner about what I know so far. It is starting to affect my job in that I cannot handle the stress and I feel crappy most of the time with my head always in pain that it's hard for me to work. They need to be aware of it now before my work performance gets me fired. I have a meeting with them tomorrow morning.
Conversation with the boss went really well. He was very understanding and I think I will still have a job after surgery. :)
I've asked them not to say anything and there is only one other gal I confide in at work so if anyone else finds out, I'll know where it came from. Once I see the surgeon and have more details, I'll let the rest of my team know.