I also have this weird symptom where my ears get really cold and then my extremeties. I can feel warm to the touch (my body) but my ears and face will be cold and my hands always FEEL cold, even though I think it might just be because they are numb. I also have really bad burning in my mouth--that has been there for the past 6-8 months. Nothing makes it any better. I've been on GERD medicine for years but it's not my GERD. And a dentist I saw said she thought it was a nerve problem. When I found out I had chiari, I thought it might be connected. Has anyone else had symptoms like that? -Melissa
Thanks for the replies. It's not really numbness or tingling. It is a definite body temperature change. I'm starting to wonder if it's connected to my possible MS. I say possible because they haven't found any plaques in my last few MRI's but I was diagnosed with it back in 1988 when I lost my vision in my right eye for a few weeks. The MRI's I had then definitely showed 2 plaques but since then have seemed to disappear. The reflux I've had for years before I got diagnosed with Chiari but now I'm starting to wonder if I've had it since my spinal surgery when I was 12 back in 1980. It's a possibility. Thank you for the info, however. It is appreciated!
Not exactly... lately I've been feeling a burning sensation on my arms and face. Not hot to the touch but I could feel it burning. For the past year I've been getting these hot, red patches on my skin, sometimes the size of a playing card, sometimes larger. THOSE are hot to the touch!
Even longer ago I started "holding on" to ambient temperatures. I don't know if that's the Chiari or what, but if I was outside in the cold for even a little bit my body would stay cold for HOURS. My skin would literally be chilled to the touch no matter how close to the fireplace I sat or how many blankets I piled on. Same goes with heat - if I'm hot, I stay hot for a long time even if I go back into the air conditioned house. It's so weird... but so is Chiari! :D
I stay cold for a long time too! Very weird!
Since my chiari/basilar invagination/cervical fusion surgery in 2010, I am almost always cold. I will feel like I'm freezing and when I touch my skin, it will feel extremely cold to me, but my husband says I feel warm to the touch and it's just me, not the temperature. Before the surgery, I didn't have that problem so I can only assume that it's somehow connected.