I am so sorry to keep posting and complaining. I am just at a loss and I don’t know what to do. Please give me your honest advice/opinions even if you think it might hurt my feelings I don’t care! I just want to know what you would do if you were me…
So to sum it up my pain has been at a 10 no joke for over 24 hours now.
I called the on call resident this morning that told me I will have ups and downs and unless I have fluid coming out or a fever no need to go to the ER but to call the office when they open and talked to Nancy (dr Tews nurse)
So I called at 9 and left her a message. She calls back and I tell her how much pain I have been in since late Saturday night, and the pressure in my head regardless of what position I am in. She notices I am out if breath and I said yes because I just sat down and all the pressure goes to my head and makes me short of breath.
She asks the samething about leaks fluid redness throwing up etc. I say I have none of that just severe pain. We go over my meds… Her papers are different then mine… She didnt have the Xanax listed, didn’t have the full schedule of steriods and had that I only take 1-2 oxy every 4 hours.
I tell her about the huge mix up at discharge and how my paper is full of scribbles from the NP trying to figure out my meds and schedule before I left. I told her the NP suggested switching back to Xanax for two weeks instead of my kolonopin and that the surgery resident suggested increasing the oxy to 1-3 every 4 hours because of the amount of pain meds I was on prior to surgery and that that is also hand written on my discharge papers. It was like she didnt believe me so I said well ask the pharmacy when you call because my bottle says the samething!
She says all this pain makes sense because it started the day after I was done with steriods and I need to get back on those for a week… So she is calling those in to take 3 a day for 3 days then 2 a day etc for like another 10 days! She said that is my problem… I said well I only have enough pain meds for 7 days and muscle relaxers for 10 days total. She says you only get pain meds for a week… I said that isn’t what you told me, the NP told me, and my paperwork all says 2 weeks and no more then 4 weeks of pain meds. So I said what am I supposed to do in two days when these are gone and they can’t be called in? She says the script can only be written for 100 and if after steriods today and tomorrow morning the pain is still this bad we will discuss the pain meds then.
I told her I want her to be right and the steriods to make it better but if they don’t then I am basically screwed because my kids will be here, it’s a two hour drive there and I can’t and shouldn’t have to be in this much pain… As I was crying. She reassures me the steriods will “fix all of this” I told her I am just nervous because i have never felt pain like this before and with the kids and spring break coming in 3 days… Yes I have help but I still have to be a mom and function.
And she stressed to me in a big way, NO ER unless I have a leak fever or throwing up, not to go “just for pain” and she will
Call me tomorrow to see if it’s better and if not we will go from there.
I am at a loss… I just don’t understand.
My husband had an apt with our doc this morning and she asked how I was doing and he told her what all I just typed and even she said she can’t believe that is all they are doing and said no ER at all for pain. She did also say that they can call her to write me a script if needed which makes me feel a little better. I feel like I am being treated like a drug addict when I just had brain surgery! I know steriods can help and i sure hope it does like she assures me they will. I just don’t know how much more I can take… I took one and take another in 8 hours, so another full day of being this miserable.
I don’t want to go against her advice of no ER trips but it just doesn’t seem right!
Am I being a baby here? I really don’t feel like I am and I don’t feel that I am being over dramatic about the pain either, this is real, I am not kidding I am not lying, I am making myself sick to my stomach stressing over this.
And so depressed… Told my husband I should have listened to my gut after my first apt with dr Tew and switched doctors or waited to have the surgery. I know these feelings will go away, I know it will get better but in the mean time I am miserable stressed and depressed. I’d love to sleep the day away but even laying down causes a rush to my head.
Ok that’s my novel, please just tell me how it is, even if you think I am being a baby or over reacting, just let me hear it! I just need help, advice, reassurance, something!