Syrinx symptoms befor cm symptoms?

I know by reading a lot of people have cm and never even know it. I don’t really have cm symptoms, I mean vague stuff like eye issues light sensitivity floaters. Some snoring which may be apnea not sure yet… But nothing debilitating. I do however have syrinx symptoms. Has anyone had syrinx symptoms before cm symptoms?

I’m having back pain arm pain and weak left hand. Tingling in hands and feet. My eye does move fast sometimes I guess nystagmus. I haven’t been tested for apnea yet but I do snore. When I was pregnant 2 months ago I had daily headaches, saw fireflies in vision, and floaters. Now headaches are gone and I’m left with weak hand and arm and back pain. My MRI does not show chiari but I have two tiny syrinx. My next step is getting a second pinion from neurosurgeon as I’ve heard chiari gets missed on mris often. Does this sound chiari or more just like syrinx?

I'm the same, I originally went to the doctors with really bad back pain and then found out I had the Chiari. Ever since Ive had a good few headaches but nothing mammoth but 90% of my symptoms are 'syrinxy' problems like the back/neck/everything pain and twitching in my legs etc I don't know about you but Im in the limbo with the prospect of surgery - I don't want it because I don't feel like the symptoms are Chiari but the back pain needs to go. Good luck with everything though :)

I didn’t have an epidural. My labor was only 3 hours though and a quick delivery. I had an epidural with my first baby though.

Thanks beeba. I was watched for pre e but never developed it so I have no idea what was happening. I guess my question is, is it possible for chiari to cause no symptoms, but a syrinx develops which leads to symptoms?