
Hi all in the new year I am going into hospital for surgery. Is there anyone. Here who has had the surgery and found they were feeling better, or were you worse after surgery? I live in the UK

Good Luck Elisa!!!

I just had surgery 11-22 and left the hospital 11-26. I’m still too soon to give you an opinion.


I had surgery 9/20 and I feel great. My only complaint is a few nasty migraines.

Good Luck!


Hi I live in the uk too and had my surgery 4 weeks ago.Am still suffering the excruciating pressure waves daily but hoping they will subside in time.all the best for your surgery,keep me posted x

Hi Elisa,

I had surgery in 2008. Although some of my symptoms are better or gone, I do have new symptoms and still seek treatment for pain. I have other health issues, but don't know if most of them are chiari related or not. I suspect that most of them are.

When is your surgery scheduled? Keep us posted.


Hi Carla thanks for your message. I have other health issues also. What are your other health issues? What symptoms did you have before the surgery? I am having surgery in the new year where are you from?
