Need support for post surgery chiari

Hey everyone,

My name is Kaye, I was just diagnosed with chiari this past june 2012 and had my surgery July 18th 2012. Its now been 4 weeks since my surgery and im still in pain, it's better then what it was in the first week after surgery, but my neck is still so stiff, and I'm still in pain everyday. I don't know anyone who has had chiari so i dont really dont have anyone to get advice from or talk to. And my family and friends don't really understand what I'm going through. What I'm wondering is how long it took for everyone else for the pain to completly go away and get back to living their lives normally and going back to work? I'm frustrated with the amount of pain I'm in. Right now I can barely sit up for 30 minutes without my neck started to get irritated and be in pain again and having to lay back down. Please help! Thanks

Dear Kaye:

You are still in early stages of recovery. It would be really important for you to contact your NS and let them know of your symptoms, so they can help you manage the pain better. Resting is still important at this stage of healing. Everyone recoveries differently. It takes time to go through the healing process. I had my second surgery in Feb. of this year. (Don't do alot of lifting and or driving yet.) This can also pull on the muscles. Do call your NS. Will be praying for you too. Mary Lou

Thanks everyone!

i guess i'm just very eager to get back to living my life normally and didnt think that it would be this painfull, and would take this long to recover. I'm eager to get back to work, and just be normal. Although I'm happy to say that i'm glad i found this website and found people to talk to who are going through the same things I am and it really does make me feel like I'm not alone. Thanks again for all of the advice.