Spring pain

When the weather changes from winter to spring-like conditions, my seasonal allergies kick in full force. So, the pressure buildup and sneezing fits (6+ in rapid succession) get worse. Allergy meds only help so much leaving me miserable and hoping I don’t have a massive pain episode at work. Anyone have any suggestions or thoughts on how to lessen the sneezing at least? With hopes that I’ll be able to function at work until the end of March?

My son does not have Chiari that we know of, but does have a severe allergy to mold. After 3 sinus surgeries as a child, he started using nasal spray during peak seasons. The doctor did caution us about over use because the nose can become numb to the spray, but it seemed quite effective. We used Afrin, but there may be others that work better. A pharmacist or your doc should be able to direct you to a good product. He also used a nasal rinse and the doc suggested a nettipot as well, but we elected to stick with the rinse so I cannot give a recommendation on the nettipot.

I am pretty much living on benadryl daily to avoid sneezing and coughing from allergies because since my surgery almost 4 weeks ago it’s still painful to cough and sneeze. Wish I had better advice

Thanks for the advice, Reservation and Rebecca. I’ll try a spray since the benedryl doesn’t seem to be working as well as I’d like it to. Those series of sneezes are horrible …