Sleep Apnea?

Does anyone else suffer from Sleep Apnea

I read where 75% of Chiarians have sleep apnea. I had a sleep study done a few weeks ago they told me that if I stopped breathing in he night that they would have to put a CPAP machine on me.

Well that woke me up in the middle of the study and put the machine on me. I got my own machine today and I get to try it out tonight for the first time. I will be glad when I can get a nights sleep and feel rested in the morning!!!

I have a severe case of sleep apnea and per MD order I must wear it6 out 8 hours when sleeping per day/night or whenever I sleep for an extended period. I took a couple of days getting used to but it is good now and I use it daily or I know it. You should notice a difference in a couple of days feeling very rested and like you got some sleep.

So you know I've been on mine for about 5 years now. Any questions feel free to ask.



Miss you!! Glad you had the test done....How was your nights sleep, in your own bed...with your new machine??

Keep us posted! How are you feeling over all??? fill us in!!!



I survived last night!!! It was "weird" trying to sleep with the mask on. I did feel more rested this morning even though I didn't sleep as well as I know I will once I get used to the mask/machine.

The mask they used on me for the sleep study had a chin strap that kept my mouth closed. The one that I have now does not- so its up to me to keep my big mouth shut (not easy (LOL) If I don't keep my mouth shut then the air the machine is pumping in blows right through my mouth and that a WEIRD sensation!

Over all I'm getting stronger and still coming to terms with this thing called "Chiari" In the back of my mind I had hoped that once I was had my decompression and recovered I could put this whole thing behind me. After My family went through Katrina in 2005 we kept talking about the "New Normal" and I am realizing that I am going to have to get used to a new "normal" Not sure exactly yet what all that will be but I am ready for it!

One thing I have learned is that there are some things I can control and there are some things I cannot, there are some things that I need to hold onto and some things I need to let go of! I worked some CRAZY hours before my surgery and though I miss the extra $$$ I sure don't miss the stress. They keep asking me at work when I am going back into management I keep telling them they are CRAZY and they need BRAIN SURGERY!