Second surgery

how will i know if i need to have a second surgery?

hi ruby

im new on this site, and have done alot of research over the last couple of years, but i must say im no expert,
i take it you have had a surgery already? what did they do? did they put a shunt or removed part of the bone?
sometimes you do reqiure more than one surgery, as there is no cure, and only a relieve of symtoms,
basically if you get bad again you would end up having another one. or you have a fluid leak,
how are you feeling at the moment, how long ago did you have surgery? sorry for all the questions, did you have a syrinx, (fluid block) anywhere on your spine or head? was the surgery a success?

anywhere i hope you are doing well, and having regular checks


i had the surgery last april 2004 and they removed a part of the bone. i’m not really sure how to answer some of the questions you’ve asked… i am having a difficulty differentiating if the symptoms i had before the surgery was still the same symptoms i am having right now… please help me… i need more information and answers…thank you^^,

joelene hossack said:

hi ruby

im new on this site, and have done alot of research over the last couple of years, but i must say im no expert,

i take it you have had a surgery already? what did they do? did they put a shunt or removed part of the bone?

sometimes you do reqiure more than one surgery, as there is no cure, and only a relieve of symtoms,

basically if you get bad again you would end up having another one. or you have a fluid leak,

how are you feeling at the moment, how long ago did you have surgery? sorry for all the questions, did you have a syrinx, (fluid block) anywhere on your spine or head? was the surgery a success?

anywhere i hope you are doing well, and having regular checks


hi ruby

have you seen your specialist? or had MRI scan?

that would be a good start,
you have been going 6 yrs that good, sorry you are starting to get bad.

you should get rechecked

thanks joelene

The only way I can think to answer this is to say that " You know when you know"! I in no way mean that sarcastically either, it’s just that I remember stressing and pondering so much prior to the 1st one but it seems like one day I woke up hurting soooo bad that I realized it was time.
Unfortunately I know it is time for a 2nd surgery though and what is putting it on hold is my desparate search for a good NS. I would not send my dog to my last one.

thank you for giving me information and advices…

even if i wanted to be rechecked,

the problem again is the cost…

my first surgery was about 100,000 in pesos… and its quite costly…

thank you again for your replies^^,

hi ruby

im sorry that the costs is so high,
what about just getting rechecked to see where your at, you might not need another operation, but it would put your mind at rest,
sometimes its easier to know what your dealing with, then sitting there wondering,

my thoughts are with you


I was looking at older discussions and found this one very interesting.

Has anyone here had to have a 2nd decompression and if so...what does the NS do the 2nd time??

any input would be so appreciated.

Peace and Hugs,
