Likelihood of More than 1 Surgery?

Does 1 surgery typically do the trick? What's the likehlihood of needing more work done?

Hubby had C1 laminectomy (posterior arch removed, duraplasty (durepair with adhesive used), and deocmpression done last Wed. So far we've been pleased other than the mishap on Monday that landed us in the ER. He says his headaches are different, not like prior to surgery.

Just wondering if this did it or if he's going to need another surgery done.

I am five weeks post op. My headaches now feel qualitatively different, more outside than inside the skull. I've been learning that they are caused by the muscle tension post-op. I tried to treat the pain, but that didn't work. Then the NS office told me to try to treat it with muscle relaxants. It took several days, but gradually things got under control. It is very odd for me, because my neck doesn't really feel very stiff or immobile, but it sure seems like they were right on.
Don't worry about a second surgery now! I think that he needs to heal from this one.
As I understand it, second surgery is when there is a CSF leak (immediately post-op) or, months or years later the symptoms begin to get worse again. This seems to be dealing with scar tissue that (in random people) builds up in a way that causes problems.
Headaches now aren't a reason to stress about second surgery. Not a week post-op!
Not an expert--just good at reading the boards and trying to read my own body.
Hang in there.

When I said headaches are different - I meant that as a positive. They aren't a concern at all.

I think it's normal when you see someone going through such a difficult thing that you think "I hope this is it" For most people it is. Headaches usually get less intense and managable some people get different symptoms that can be helped with medication. There isn't another surgery unless it wasn't done right to begin with and there is complications or scar tissue builds up. I am looking at having a revision because of scar tissue completely blocking my CSF flow. I had my first surgery in 2001. I hope he continues to feel better an better.
