Recent pain and tenderness

Hello all. it has been a little while since I have been able to get online. I had my surgery back in July and things have really been going so well. I have recently had a lot of tenderness in the back of my head and some headaches. I am so tired and not sure what to think. Today my daughter was diagnosed with Flu Type A and I am worried. I don't have the cough or anything like that, but I am so tired, sore and just feeling drained... Just want some feedback.

I am 2 yrs post op. I have always had extreme tenderness in that area. My NS said it is most likely scar tissue. I cannot put pressure on the back of my head(lay down) or it makes it much worse and leads to increased HA. Have you had any treatment for this?

I’m four months post-op and have occasional tenderness in the back of my head. It usually lasts a few days then goes away. I sometimes wonder if it’s an inflamed lymph node. I know that isn’t much help, just wanted you to know you weren’t the only one!