Rants from the village idiot

Sometimes things come to you and you need to share because they are not from you just through you.

Not all I have can be blamed on Chiaris. I have lived a hard life of excess when I was younger and my body has taken a beaten from my career and hobbies. Just because I have aches doesnt mean its Chiari's related Not all things that go bump in the night are scary. I'm only saying this because there are plenty of ppl who have given up or given in and have let Chiari rule them. I admit it can be depressing but once we start to let every time we have bad breath be because of this we have lost. or you just want the attention in which case maybe you should get some therapy. Stay informed and know your body but dont give yourself every new symptom you hear about . Remember we have Chiari's it doesnt have us. If I have offended I offer my apologies,but then again maybe there's someone out there that needs to be offended. Live simply Simply live.

Im with you, i feel like my attitude is a big part of the whole picture. I may have symptoms the rest of my life, there may not be relief. I cant let it take over, especially mentally. Some days its easier to have the right frame of mind than others but my goal is to start each one with a positive attitude.

Amen,to a positive attitude that’s what gets us through.Don’t let what you feel be in control,tell this thing it can’t have your life!!Pretend we’re well instead of ill.

I'm not so sure I agree, but whatever floats your boat. Some people's Chiari snuck up on them and stole their life right out from under them. And I wholeheartedly believe Chiari can cause depression/anxiety - not only because having a chronic illness SUCKS... I really think the pressure on your brain can cause irrational thoughts and emotional changes in people. No, we aren't our disease. But you can't brush it off like positive thinking can make everything sunshine and roses again. People experience this journey differently. Who are you to say their pain is wrong?

My $0.02,

Katrina W.

Completely agree!

I’ve read enough blogs the past few weeks of people truly suffering and positive thinking isn’t gone to cure them. Sure it might help but when it is effected not only you but your children, family, work, and every day life I completely understand why there are some people that positive thinking doesn’t help THAT much.

7thhousedoula said:

I'm not so sure I agree, but whatever floats your boat. Some people's Chiari snuck up on them and stole their life right out from under them. And I wholeheartedly believe Chiari can cause depression/anxiety - not only because having a chronic illness SUCKS... I really think the pressure on your brain can cause irrational thoughts and emotional changes in people. No, we aren't our disease. But you can't brush it off like positive thinking can make everything sunshine and roses again. People experience this journey differently. Who are you to say their pain is wrong?

My $0.02,

Katrina W.

I can see what you are aiming at and I agree it does no good to dwell on the fact that you have chiari and the limitations it causes. Of course all the aches, pains, and issues we experience are not chiari but when you have a chronic illness it's natural to wonder if a new ache or pain is a new symptom. A lot of times it is as chiari can be a progressive illness.

I don't really think you are being offensive but a lot of people, myself included, were told by doctors that they read the symptom list and developed these issues so hearing that from another chiarian can sting. I believe that most people on this site genuinely suffer from these issue and that is why they sought treatment and discovered they had chiari. Doctor's don't order MRIs for the fun of it!

I totally agree just like everyone else I am in a lot of pain but fore personally to function I have to have the sense of normal I can’t wallow or I will drown I almost did I enjoy every moment I laugh I love I hurt but I am alive and I am going to live. It’s a personal decision how we decide to live with our pain and readjust to our new lives currently I am trying to figure out how I can help local chairians haven’t figured it out yet as I’ve just discovered my good attitude :slight_smile: but I am going to find a way to help people locally

Everyone of us will handle this in our known way,I know even though my attitude is possitive that does’nt mean that I don’t cry myself to sleep a lot of nights.There are countless days I have to keep the way I feel to myself,it’s not fair to my husband who is very good to me.It is hard to deal with and a lot of chiarians have different levels of pain,I sure hope that if there’s anyone who needs to talk I could have the opportunity to be of help.This site is a God send to us all,it’s so much help to know someone cares enough to respond to these conversations.For 27 yrs. there’s been no one like so many here to give me advice,educate me,give a shoulder to lean on and show us someone cares.Possitive out looks helps but they’re not a cure sure wish it was that simple.


Well said Lynn. I do believe that attitude is everything, but there really are days that my best attitude still cannot help my headaches and pain. We all experience Chiari differently. There are a lot of us (post op) still in pain because our surgeries have not been a fix all. Unfortunately, that happens. We come here to vent and to try to find something that helps. A lot of us have been dealing with this and struggling with pain for a very long time. It can break the most positive person and bring the strongest of us to our knees at some point.

Lynn Messer said:

Everyone of us will handle this in our known way,I know even though my attitude is possitive that does'nt mean that I don't cry myself to sleep a lot of nights.There are countless days I have to keep the way I feel to myself,it's not fair to my husband who is very good to me.It is hard to deal with and a lot of chiarians have different levels of pain,I sure hope that if there's anyone who needs to talk I could have the opportunity to be of help.This site is a God send to us all,it's so much help to know someone cares enough to respond to these conversations.For 27 yrs. there's been no one like so many here to give me advice,educate me,give a shoulder to lean on and show us someone cares.Possitive out looks helps but they're not a cure sure wish it was that simple.
